3… 2… 1… Liftoff! The International Space Camp 2018 Is Calling!

3… 2… 1… Liftoff! The International Space Camp 2018 Is Calling!

(Linz, March 1, 2018) The US Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama will host students and teachers from all over the world at an International Space Camp July 7-14, 2018. So, the search is now on in Austria for two students and a teacher who’d like to make the trip to Huntsville and take part in a fascinating and diverse lineup of activities having to do with space travel. Applications can be submitted by post to ESERO Austria, Ars-Electronica-Straße 1, 4040 Linz or via e-mail to esero@aec.at. The deadline is April 15th.

US Space & Rocket Center

The US Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama opened in 1970. It’s the world’s largest space museum, with a collection of over 1,500 objects related to space research and the US space program, including vehicles, simulators, rockets and the engines that power them. Visitors learn all about the history of rocketry from the V1 used during World War II to work by the US Military that led to the development of the huge Saturn rockets. Bus tours take space enthusiasts to NASA’s nearby facility, the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center.

A One-of-a-kind Chance

“Through these doors enter the world’s future astronauts, scientists and engineers” adorns the entrance to the US Space & Rocket Center. At the International Space Camp held here, up-and-coming young space travelers and ground personnel from Austria can learn about the many different ways that classroom instruction in scientific and technical subjects is connected with space travel. Camp activities include simulation in which crew members play a wide variety of roles, and workshops that focus on crafting functional objects that come into play during space travel. Plus, participants can look forward to lots of interesting talks and plenty of opportunities to get acquainted with the other students and teachers from throughout the world. Attendance is made possible by cooperation with the Austrian Federal Ministries for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) and of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF), the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and the European Space Education Resource Office (ESERO). Details about the application process are available at https://ars.electronica.art/esero/

ESERO Austria

The European Space Education Resource Office (ESERO) is a collaborative project of the European Space Agency (ESA) and selected educational partners in numerous European countries. ESERO Austria has been headquartered at the Ars Electronica Center Linz since 2016. Its mission is to take advantage of youngsters’ fascination with outer space to nurture their interest in scientific and technical subjects.

International Space Camp / Fotocredit: US Space and Rocket Center / Printversion