Osterprogramm Ars Electronica Center

Easter Program at the Ars Electronica Center

(Linz, March 14, 2018) A special lineup of activities awaits visitors to the Ars Electronica Center during the days leading up to Easter. During Family Days on Saturday & Saturday, March 24-25, young visitors—and their chaperones—can paint Easter eggs via robot, go on an Easter egg hunt via unmanned aerial vehicle, and make Easter nests come alive with the sound of music! We also offer a program of fun activities while school is on Easter break—on Wednesday & Thursday, March 28-29, youngsters can get a close-up look at supercells and produce professional-quality film clips and soundtracks.

Overview of the Family Days program:

Saturday & Sunday, March 24-25 / 11 AM-1 PM & 2-5:30 PM both days

Decorating Easter eggs without using your hands? That’s no problem in the Ars Electronica Center’s FabLab, where you can use a digital pen to design a pattern that a robot then applies to the egg.

Sunday, March 25 / 1-3 PM

Let’s assume that, instead of the Easter Bunny delivering the eggs, they come to Earth from outer space. Visitors of all ages are cordially invited to design flying machines that assure their payload makes a nice soft landing.

Hunting Easter Eggs with a Quadcopter
Saturday & Sunday, March 24-25 / 11-11:30 AM & 3:30-4 PM

Good hiding places are in great demand around Easter. But this year, the eggs will be so well hidden that conventional hunting methods have hardly a chance of success. That’s why an Easter egg hunt at the Ars Electronica Center deploys an unmanned aerial vehicle.

Eggs under the Microscope
Saturday & Sunday, March 24-25 / 10 AM-6 PM both days

Are eggshells really smooth? And what does the yolk look like under strong magnification? The BioLab’s microscopes let you get to the bottom of these questions, providing close-ups of eggs and lots of other stuff associated with Easter.

How Does Easter Sound?
Saturday & Sunday, March 24-25 / 11 AM-5:30 PM both days

The Kids’ Research Lab’s Makey Makey construction kit enables youngsters to produce sounds with chocolate eggs, packaging material and Easter grass, and compose their own personal Easter melodies.

Easter Films in the Prix Workshop
Saturday & Sunday, March 24-25 / 11 AM-5:30 PM both days

In the Ars Electronica Center’s Sound & Video Lab, visitors of all ages can give free rein to their creativity and get on-the-spot access to expert advice as they go about producing short, Easter-themed films.

Overview of the Easter vacation program:

What Supercells Can You Imagine? (for 6-10-year-olds)
Wednesday, March 28 / 9:30 AM-12:30 PM

Cells are the tiniest units of living creatures. The human body consists of more than 10 trillion cells, each of which performs a particular function. Here, 6-10-year-olds learn about the structure of these chambers of biological wonders and then try their hand at designing a cell of their own—based on the models nature provides or strictly products of their own imagination.

Easter Break Program: Schnitt happens (for 10-14-year-olds)
Thursday, March 29 / 9:30 AM-12:30 PM

This workshop is the place to go for 10-14-year-olds who want to learn filmmaking and editing (Schnitt). A fully equipped sound studio, a greenbox, an animation lab and lots more technical equipment are available to up-and-coming young filmmakers to produced their own clips and soundtracks.
Mandatory preregistration: call 0732.7272.51 or e-mail center@aec.at.

Egg-Bot / Fotocredit: Martin Hieslmair / Printversion

Ostereier suchen mit dem Quadrcocopter / Fotocredit: Florian Voggeneder / Printversion

Schnitt happens / Fotocredit: Martin Hieslmair / Printversion

Welche Superzelle kannst du dir vorstellen? / Fotocredit: Magdalena Sick-Leitner / Printversion