Deep Space Lecture: Make Love not War

press release as
press accreditation for Ars Electronica Festival
Ars Electronica Blog

THU April 21, 2022 / 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

(Linz, April 19, 2022) Listlessness, indifference, exhaustion, sweating, nightmares: Wartime experiences have serious psychological consequences for many soldiers and civilians. On Thursday evening, April 21, 2022, neuroscientist Dr. Manuela Macedonia will give a Deep Space Lecture on the effects of traumatic war experiences on the brains of those affected, and on the extent to which these stresses can even change genes and thus how psychological and physical suffering is also passed on to generations that have never experienced war themselves. Visitors will also learn that love is a true balm for the brain and can even have a positive effect on intelligence in the long term. Admission is €4 and free with a valid museum ticket. The event starts at 6:30 pm. This Deep Space Lecture is supported by LINZ AG.

About Manuela Macedonia
Since March 2012, neuroscientist Manuela Macedonia has been working at the Institute of Information Engineering at Johannes Kepler University Linz as a senior scientist researching neuroinformation systems. She also investigates the neuroscientific foundations of learning at the Max Planck Institute Leipzig. In lectures and workshops, she brings interested laypeople closer to current findings from brain research and explains how processes in the head affect daily life.

Three new event formats in Deep Space 8K
Concerts of various genres accompanied by immersive visualizations, unique visual experiences that invite interactive participation and inspiring lectures by top-class experts on a wide range of topics. With the three new event formats “Deep Space Concert”, “Deep Space Lecture” and “Deep Space Experience”, the diverse possibilities of Deep Space 8K are used to offer artists, musicians and researchers the perfect setting.

Dr. Manuela Macedonia / Bild: Kneidinger-Photography / Printversion