JKU MED Campus: Interface of Art & Science

(Linz, September 3, 2024) For the first time, the Medical Campus of Johannes Kepler University Linz will be one of the venues of the Ars Electronica Festival – just in time for the 10th anniversary of the Medical Faculty. As part of the Art & Science exhibition, international artists and JKU researchers will present innovative projects at the interface of science and art, inviting visitors to marvel, reflect, participate and discuss the festival theme “HOPE who will turn the tide”.

In addition to the Art & Science exhibition, the Applied Virtualities: Extended Reality in Practice show will be presented at the JKU MED Campus. It focuses on extended reality (XR) applications, prototypes and research work that push the boundaries of traditional XR experiences and foster new creative processes. In addition, the Ars Electronica Animation Festival will take place in the JKU medSPACE – also on the grounds of the MED Campus.

Please find the full press text by the Johannes Kepler University here.

Neural Neighborhood / Martin Reiter (AT), Florian Nimmervoll (AT), Mario Zeppetzauer (AT)

Photo: Martin Reiter

Hack the Hat / Parisa Ayati (IR) Markus Schedl (AT) Shahed Masoudian (IR) Deepak Kumar (IN) Gustavo Escobedo (PE) Anna Hausberger (AT) Gerald Gruber (AT) Ghazal Hosseini (IR) Dominik Baumann (AT) Stefan Brandl (AT) Oleg Lesota (RU) Michael Preisach (AT)

Photo: DALL·E

Microbial Mindscapes / Yoojin Oh (KR/AT), Sabina Hyoju Ahn (KR/US), Christina Watschinger (AT), Ryan Millett (US), Nefeli Manoudaki (GR), Iason Paterakis (GR/US), Tobias Ruff (DE/AT), Rong Zhu (CN), Peter Hinterdorfer (AT), Junsoo Kim (KR)

Photo: Christina Watschinger

#ALPHALOOP / Adelin Schweitzer (FR)

Photo: deletere