Press Releases

Photo: Ars Electronica / Robert Bauernhansl

  • Deep Space LIVE: Schätze aus dem Stadtarchiv Linz

    (Linz, January 25, 2011) Treasures from the Archive of the City of Linz will be the centerpieces of a series of Deep Space LIVE events held at the Ars Electronica Center in cooperation with the Archive. The main attractions: pictures of Linz past and present, whereby each respective historical view will be contrasted to its…

  • LabDays: REPAIR

    (Linz, January 19, 2011) The Open PappLab in which customized cardboard furniture can be designed and produced, a chat with an algae engineer whose mission is to save the world and electronic components that can be eaten once their useful life is over are some of the highlights of REPAIR LabDays at the Ars Electronica…

  • Deep Space LIVE: Die Streif in 3D

    (Linz, January 14, 2011) Here’s your big chance to experience what it’s like to race down the world’s most famous ski slope—hearing the whoosh of the wind and the skis gliding over the packed snow as you speed towards the finish line at 90 MPH! Red Bull and the Ars Electronica Center cordially invite you…

  • Deep Space LIVE: O Sole Mio

    (Linz, 11.1.2011) The Sun is the hub of our solar system, and its light and warmth are the preconditions for all forms of life. So it’s no wonder that the Sun is among the most intensely studied heavenly bodies. How and when the Sun came into existence, what it consists of and how it functions—all…

  • FamilyDays Special: Winterwunderzeit

    (Linz, 17.12.2010) Weihnachtsschmuck basteln oder eine Schnitzeljagd quer durch das Museum der Zukunft unternehmen – ein “FamilyDays Special” im Ars Electronica Center bietet Interessantes und Lustiges für die ganze Familie. Read more Blinky / rubra / Printversion / Fotoalbum Ars Electronica Center

  • Deep Space LIVE: Under the Magnifying Glass

    (Linz, December 13, 2010) Linz’s majorpix group generates images that open up extraordinary views of bizarre worlds. majorpix takes a common object like a match, bus ticket or a butterfly’s wing and produces macro exposures of its surfaces. Then the individual shots are assembled into a whole image that reveals fascinating details and totally unknown…

  • Climbing the St(Age) of Participation

    (Linz, December 10, 2010) The Ars Electronica Futurelab is the only non-university R&D facility to be granted funding this year by the FWF–Austrian Science Fund’s PEEK arts development program. Beginning in 2011, the Futurelab will collaborate with renowned media artist, choreographer and composer Klaus Obermaier (AT) on a three-year project that aims to develop interactive…

  • Deep Space LIVE: Linz at around 1900 in 3D

    (Linz, November 29, 2010) An amazing 3D virtual stroll through turn-of-the-20th-century Linz is being staged by the Municipal Archive and the Ars Electronica Center. Stereoscopic images deliver an incredibly lifelike, three-dimensional experience of Linz at around the year 1900 … Read more Innenhof der Linzer Tabakfabrik im Jahr 1903 / Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv / Printversion

  • Deep Space LIVE: Linz_Then/Now

    (Linz, November 29, 2010) “Then/Now” literally describes the itinerary of a unique journey through Linz history being hosted by the municipal archive. It will feature one-of-a-kind historical images of the Linz cityscape in the first half of the last century juxtaposed to their contemporary counterparts captured from the identical perspective. This mode of visual comparison…

  • „Mikrokosmische” LabDays im Ars Electronica Center

    (Linz, November 24, 2010) Ars Electronica Center Linz is hosting its second LabDays event. The center of the action will be the laboratories—labs, for short—in the Main Gallery, where participants will be able to spend two amazing days experimenting, tinkering and playing under the watchful eyes of experts invited especially for the occasion. “Microcosmic” aptly…

  • Deep Space LIVE: Upper Austria in the Light on an Invisible Laser

    (Linz, November 22, 2010) A systematic aerial laser scan of Upper Austria has been performed over the past few years. What it brought to light were earthen ramparts and trenches, mound graves (tumuli) and roads dating back to epochs long past, beds of long-since-dried-up streams, bomb craters from World War II, and thus many different…

  • Deep Space LIVE: Milky Way – At Home in a Dome

    (Linz, November 15, 2010) You can’t miss it in the sky on a clear, dark night: that bright, cloudy band stretching clear across the heavens is The Milky Way. It’s a collection of about 200 billion stars proceeding along their trajectories around an inconceivably gigantic black hole that holds the entire galaxy together. Dietmar Hager…

  • Deep Space LIVE: Adrenalin

    (Linz, November 8, 2010) Deep Space LIVE with Hermann Erber is the place to go for a real live adrenalin rush. This week’s screening features incredible images of extreme athletes whose daredevil stunts take them to the physical and mental limits. BASE jumping from the south face of Austria’s Dachstein, ice climbing in Japan, Canada…

  • Long Night of Research 2010

    (Linz, November 2, 2010) Using only the power of one’s thoughts to conjure up letters on a computer monitor? Writing whole words without even lifting a finger? Cloning a plant and then cultivating its living copy right in the Ars Electronica Center? An extraordinary array of installations at the interface of art, technology and society…

  • Deep Space LIVE: Irgendwo (Somewhere)

    (Linz, November 2, 2010) “Irgendwo” (Somewhere) is a photographic exhibition accompanied by live music. The pictures are divided into six chapters. They show different parts of the world, very diverse moods and highly contrasting settings for human life. “Irgendwo” is an extremely personal journey—one that takes place in the minds of those beholding these images.…

  • Futurelab at Tokyo Midtown DESIGN TOUCH 2010

    (Linz, November 2, 2010) The 2010 DESIGN TOUCH exhibition that just opened in the Tokyo Midtown complex showcases the future of design. As Special Guest 2010, the Ars Electronica Futurelab is spotlighting design methods with great future promise. They’re being presented in workshops, lectures and the DESIGN TOUCH Exhibition at Tokyo Midtown’s Galleria, where 11…

  • Deep Space LIVE: Best of Ars Electronica Animation Festival 2010, Part II

    (Linz, October 25, 2010) “Computer Animation / Film / VFX” category has been a mainstay of the Prix Ars Electronica since 1987. This competition category honors outstanding independent artistic and scientific works as well as commercial high-end productions in the film, advertising and entertainment industries. The judges take artistic originality and excellent technical implementation into…

  • Deep Space LIVE: Evangelion: 1.11 You Are (Not) Alone

    (Linz, October 18, 2010) “Evangelion: 1.11 You Are (Not) Alone” is based on “Neon Genesis Evangelion,” a 1995 Japanese anime TV series. The plot centers on a battle between human beings and powerful creatures called Angels. “Evangelion: 1.11 You Are (Not) Alone” is a genre mix of science fiction, action and mecha. It’s one of…


    (Linz, October 15, 2010) Linz has changed. Many things that Linzers take completely for granted today were not part of the cityscape only a few years ago. The FOCUS LINZ initiative spotlights these changes and invites everyone living in Linz to get involved. The setting of this journey through time and the urban realm is…

  • Sonic Intermedia: UEA

    (Linz, October 15, 2010) “Sonic Intermedia” is a new concert series featuring contemporary computer music. It is produced jointly by the Ars Electronica Center and the Anton Bruckner Private University. Inaugural guests are Simon Waters of the University of East Anglia in Norwich, UK and several doctoral candidates at that school. Concertgoers will be treated…