Press Releases

Photo: Ars Electronica / Robert Bauernhansl

  • Girls’ Day

    (Linz, April 22, 2010) The Ars Electronica Center participated in Girl’s Day once again this year and gave 12 young women the opportunity to get a behind-the-scenes look at the Museum of the Future. “The message we want to get across to these young ladies is that it’s a lot of fun to be creative…

  • Sounds like Universe

    (Linz, April 19, 2010) Musikschule Linz and the Ars Electronica Center cordially invite you to experience an extraordinary concert on May 26, 2010. Students and teachers involved in the music school’s Sound Workshop will perform pieces by Arvo Pärt, Karl Heinz Stockhausen, Marin Marais and others, accompanied by stellar nebulae, moons, planets, suns and galaxies…

  • Linz Marathon 2010 – Reconnoiter the Course Virtually in Deep Space

    (Linz, April 6, 2010) 42.195 kilometers; total altitude change: 18 meters; two Danube bridges; 11 refreshment stations… So much for the key facts & figures of the 9th OMV Linz Donau Marathon in which approximately 15,000 runners will compete this coming Sunday. As a lead-in to the big race, the Ars Electronica Center’s Deep Space…

  • Maundy Thursday in Deep Space: The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci

    (Linz, March 29, 2010) The Thursday before Easter is a wonderful occasion to get a close-up view of what is arguably the world’s most famous mural painting: The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci. This extraordinary masterpiece by the great universal genius will be the featured attraction in the Ars Electronica Center’s Deep Space from…

  • AEC Featured at Bleib G‘sund 2010

    (Linz, March 10, 2010) This year’s “Bleib G’sund” health expo presents a wealth of information about lifestyle and well-being. One of the highlights is the Ars Electronica Center’s exhibit produced jointly with Zeiss, Otto Bock, Hirox Europe and Linz General Hospital. It’s a fascinating excursion though the conceptual and visual worlds of the life sciences…

  • Adventures in Computer Science

    (Linz, March 4, 2010) Why can a scratched DVD still be played? How come so many digital images can be stored on a single memory card, but there are still some problems that not even the fastest computer can solve? The more than 20 experimental installations that make up “Adventures in Computer Science” will provide…

  • NEXTCOMIC Festival 2010

    (Linz, February 24, 2010) Linz’s 2nd NEXTCOMIC Festival kicks off tomorrow, February 25, 2010. There are a total of 12 venues, each dedicated to a different domain at the interface of comics, the visual arts, character design, architecture, film and animation. One of the prime locations for these encounters is the Ars Electronica Center. Here,…

  • Science Journal: “Branching Morphogenesis” at the AEC is one of the world’s best scientific visualizations of 2009

    (Linz, February 22, 2010) The prestigious US journal “Science” has just named Jenny Sabin’s “Branching Morphogenesis” to its 2009 list of the world’s best scientific visualizations. This work, pictured on the cover of the journal’s February issue, has been on display at Linz’s Ars Electronica Center since January 2, 2009 … Read more Branching Morphogenesis…

  • ABOUT Ars Electronica Linz GmbH

    With its specific orientation and the long-term continuity it has displayed since its inception in 1979, Ars Electronica is an internationally unique platform for digital art and media culture. It consists of four divisions: an avant-garde festival, a competition honoring outstanding work being done throughout this field, a museum carrying out an educational mission, and…

  • ABOUT Ars Electronica Festival

    Ars Electronica made its debut on September 18, 1979. This festival of art, technology and society spotlighted the emerging Digital Revolution. Within a few years, Ars Electronica developed into one of the world’s foremost media art festivals. And its growing success was paralleled by the expansion of its annual lineup of events. Read more Bleu…

  • About Prix Ars Electronica

    1987 initiiert, gilt der Prix Ars Electronica längst als schlechthin der Trendbarometer der internationalen Medienkunstszene. Ein Mal im Jahr kürt eine hochkarätige Jury die besten zeitgenössischen Arbeiten und verleiht ihren UrheberInnen die Goldenen Nicas, die „Oscars der Medienkunst“ …

  • ABOUT Ars Electronica Futurelab

    1996 initiiert, liefert das Ars Electronica Futurelab zunächst den inhaltlich-technischen Support für das im gleichen Jahr eröffnete Ars Electronica Center. Daran hat sich nichts geändert, nur dass sich die Aktivitäten des Labors längst nicht mehr darauf beschränken und heute von der Konzeption und Realisierung von Ausstellungsprojekten über die Entwicklung künstlerischer Installationen bis hin zu Forschungs-…

  • ABOUT Ars Electronica Center

    „Museum der Zukunft“ steht im Untertitel des Ars Electronica Center und bringt Programm und Anspruch gleichermaßen zum Ausdruck. Das Prinzip der Interaktion wird hier zur umfassenden Partizipation erweitert und der gemeinsamen Präsenz von Kunst und Wissenschaft eine thematisch wie inszenatorisch tragende Rolle beigemessen. 1996 zum ersten Mal eröffnet, erfuhr das Haus im Vorfeld des Linzer…

  • Voynich-Manuscript

    (Linz, December 8, 2009) It’s the world’s most mysterious manuscript—a book written by an unknown author, illustrated with images that are as bizarre as they are puzzling, and using a language that not even the best cryptographers have succeeded in deciphering. So it’s no wonder that this text plays a role in Dan Brown’s latest…

  • Focus on Robotics Weekend

    (Linz, November 25, 2009) Some evince our striving for efficiency; others manifest a longing to create machines in our own image. It’s the development of humanoid robots in particular that teaches us a lot about ourselves. The lineup at the Ars Electronica Center’s Focus on Robotics Weekend includes programming robots, scrutinizing the link between nature…

  • 2009 Has Been a Very Successful Year for Ars Electronica

    (Linz, November 30, 2009) Nearly 230,000 visitors, big demand for the facility as an event venue, rave revues for the food & beverage offerings, and two international architectural prizes—less that a year after its grand opening, the new AEC has already made a strongly positive impression. 3,017 works from 68 countries were submitted for Prix…

  • Focus on Biotech Weekend

    (Linz, November 17, 2009) On Saturday, November 21 & Sunday, 22, 2009, the BioLab of the Ars Electronica Center is the gathering place for people young and old who are curious about the amazing things happening at the leading edge of the life sciences. … Read more BioLab, Copyplant / Ferrando & Lammerhuber / Printversion…

  • Long Night of Research 2009

    (Linz, November 6, 2010) The 2009 Long Night of Research is set for Saturday, November 7th. The Museum of the Future is one of 570 participating institutions nationwide. The moment the sun sets—4:35 PM—the Ars Electronica Centerkicks off a series of special events. Eight exhibits staffed by experts in their respective fields invites visitors to…

  • HUMAN NATURE / Ars Electronica Festival 2009

    (Linz, September 3, 2010) The HUMAN NATURE will occupy the focal point at the next Ars Electronica Festival September 3-8, 2009. In Ars Electronica’s signature fashion, this research will be carried out at an array of locations that go beyond classic conference venues and cultural spaces to pervade the entire cityscape. For the first time,…


    (Linz, September 3, 2009) “Device Art” is a relatively new Japanese art form, a synthesis of art, design,technology, science and entertainment. Here, new technologies merge with elements of traditional Japanese culture. Launched in the early 1990s, Device Art’s mission is above all to show what it means to live in a world that is increasingly pervaded by technologies.…