Eden in der Cyber-Ära
Seit den Anfängen der Landwirtschaft greift der Mensch kontinuierlich in die Entwicklung der natürlichen Umgebung mit verschiedenste Technologien ein. Mit diesem mechanischen Instrument wollen wir den zerstörerischen Prozess verdeutlichen. Um die Maschine zu bauen, haben wir zunächst eine Datenbank mit Pflanzenproben erstellt. Mithilfe der Daten können wir die Geschwindigkeit des Wachstums und den Wachstumspfad vollständig kontrollieren und manipulieren. Sobald die BesucherInnen einen Umriss eines Pflanzenstiels im 3D-Modellprogramm zeichnen, überträgt der Computer jede Information in einen Code und steuert damit die Position und den Winkel von Licht und Topf, um die Form der Pflanze genau nach dem gezeichneten Modell zu kultivieren.
Durch die Digitalisierung aller Anbaufaktoren versucht unsere Maschine, die Geschichte der Domestikation von Pflanzen seit den Anfängen der Landwirtschaft nachzubilden. Dennoch müssen wir darüber nachdenken, ob es richtig war, mit Technologie in die Natur einzugreifen. Stehen wir jetzt erneut vor dem verlorenen Paradies, während wir versuchen, einen neuen Garten von Eden zu schaffen?
Projekt Credits
- Exhibition curating, Art history and Aesthetic consulting:
- Supported by Professor Bo-chen Sheng;
- Methodology of Embedded Plant Specimen with Original Color Preservation:
- Supported by Tzu-Yang Lin and Professor Chia-Wei Li in Department of Life Sciences, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan;
- Sponsored by National Culture and Arts Foundation, Taiwan
You-Yang Hu (CN) is a transdisciplinary artist challenging the boundaries of art and technology.
During his undergraduate study in the Department of Communications Design, Shin Chien University, he established the Y2K team in cooperation with Chiao-Chi Chou, an emerging artist. He focused on the “old object interaction design,” combining old items with technology to evoke memories in the experiencer. After the artwork “Response Traces,” which used his grandpa’s old typewriter as the main material and expressed his thoughts about his grandfather, he discovered the possibility that technology causes us to view an object in a new way. Subsequently, with Biosignal series as the core, he created a variety of works to explore a new view of plants.
Currently, he is a graduate student at the Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia, National Taiwan University, focusing on Artificial Intelligence and Computational Biology. He creates research-based art that explores new perspectives on machines and creatures.
Chiao-Chi Chou (TW) is an emerging artist. Because of the background of plant research in her family, she is enthusiastic about ecological conservation.
At the Department of Communications Design, Shih Chien University, she began to devote herself to the creation of biological installations. Their characteristics are strong social criticism and reduction of exaggerated metaphors, focusing on the actual experience of the viewer; these traits were highlighted in the cooperation with You-Yang Hu, an artist who is skilled at computer programming and established the Y2K group. Subsequently, with the Biosignal series as the core, she created a variety of works to explore the relationship between human and plants.
One particularly important work in the series is Biosignal_Syn-thesasia, which operates by connecting human nerves with plant occipital cells to create a community experience and enable viewers to rethink the role of plants in human history. This work inspired her to conduct research on the motion equivalence of different species.
The intersection between art and science encouraged her to move forward in the field of life science. Therefore, after graduating from the Department of Communications Design of Shih Chien University with a bachelors degree, she has expanded her vision of biological creation under the guidance of professor Chia-Wei Li from the school of Life Sciences of National Tsing Hua University.