Ziel des Projekts ist es, den Nutzen künstlicher neuronaler Netze im Bereich der Medienkunsthistoriographie und -theorie experimentell zu testen. Künstliche neuronale Netze führen ikonographische und audiographische Analysen des Videoarchivs der KünstlerInnen Woody und Steina Vasulka durch.
Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass die Anwendung von Deep-Learning-Technologien bei der Untersuchung von Archivinhalten nicht nur für Data-Mining-Zwecke dienen könnte, sondern, was noch wichtiger ist, zu einem kreativen Mittel werden kann, um die Poetik der frühen elektronischen Kunst zu überdenken.
Projekt Credits:
- Application partners of the project are: The Vašulka Kitchen Brno – Center for New Media Art and The Brno House of Arts.
- The project (TL02000270 Media Art Live Archive) is conducted with financial support from TA ČR. Technological Agency of the Czech Republic.
Jana Horáková (CZ) is an associate professor for New Media Art at the Department of Musicology, Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts, Czech Republic and the head of Theory of Interactive Media study program. She specializes in a local new media art history, in robotic art, and innovative methodologies of the new media art research, preservation, and mediation. She presented her research in Austria, Germany, Hungary, Russia, Finland, the USA, and Japan. She published in MIT Press, Springer Germany, Springer Japan, and others. She is a member of Vašulka Kitchen Brno – Center for New Media Art in Brno. Since 2014 she works as a vice-dean for public relations and editorial work of Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University.
Jiří Schimmel (CZ) is an associate professor of telecommunications at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication, Brno University of Technology. Habilitation thesis: New methods of coding and reproduction of surround sound. He is a scientific researcher specializing in analysis, processing, coding, and representation of sound. He is the head of the Laboratory of Sound Systems, Regional Center of Sensory, Information and Communication Systems (SIX), Head of Signal Processing Laboratory, and a member of the Czech Audio Engineering Society.