PhD PANEL: slow algorithms and the hazards of standardization

Bauhaus University (DE)

Freitag, 6. September 2019, 13:00 - 14:30
Alle Termine werden in der Mitteleuropäischen Sommerzeit (MESZ / UTC+2) angegeben.
University of Arts and Design, Main Square, Gläserner Hörsaal

Moderation: Alexandra R. Toland (USA/DE)
Speakers: Daniel Franke (DE), Vanessa Farfán (MX/DE), Theresa Schubert (DE), Gabriel S. Moses (IL/DE)

Das Panel, das sich aus vier DoktorandInnen des praxisnahen Doktorandenprogramms der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar zusammensetzt, reflektiert anlässlich des 100-jährigen Bestehens des Bauhauses kritisch über die kulturelle, bildungspolitische und wirtschaftliche Standardisierung von Kunst und Design in der heutigen Gesellschaft.



Vanessa Farfán (MX/DE) explores the aesthetic effects of the digitalization in non-standardized systems. In form of drawings, objects, painting and installation, her artworks are the result of experimental processes of successive phases that create unique connections in self-contained operations.

Daniel Franke (DE) examines digital algorithms and the ways in which they standardize datasets. He explores their structures as hierarchies and networks, the latter interpretation of which has recently been adopted as cultural hegemony.

Gabriel S Moses (IL/DE) performatively analyses the tropes of panels and talks as a format of standardization in digital culture festivals such as Ars Electronica and interprets them as a self-reflective, hybrid academic theatre.

Theresa Schubert (DE) explores unconventional visions on nature, technology and  the relation of humans to their environment as well as evolvement of matter and meaning beyond the anthropos. She is currently Postdoc at the Bauhaus-University Weimar.

Alexandra R. Toland (USA/DE)
Alexandra Toland is a Berlin-based visual artist and environmental planner with research interests in ecosystem services, urban ecology, soil and culture, and the Anthropocene. She is Junior Professor for Arts and Research at the Bauhaus University Weimar, where she directs the PhD Programme in Art and Design.