Durch verschiedene Ausdrucksformen können unsere Emotionen vermittelt werden, welche die Kraft haben, Menschen in unserer Umgebung zu beeinflussen. Wie wirken verschiedene Emotionen aufeinander? Werden sich Freude und Trauer gegenseitig ausgleichen? Verursacht Wut einen Schmetterlingseffekt? Welche Art von Emotion lässt die Schlange stärker wachsen, anstatt sie zu töten? Die Antwort ist einfach, Freude. Basierend auf Gesichtsausdrücken generieren wir Emojis. Verschiedene Emojis haben unterschiedliche Kräfte. Versuche, die Schlange mit Freude wachsen zu lassen.
Jin Ni: Undergraduate student at the Cheung Kong School of Art & Design at Shantou University, majoring in Digital Media Art. My passion are games as they can bring happiness to people. I find it more challenging for me to design games rather than just to play them. Playful narratives and entertaining interactions are the creative language I am trying to use to communicate my ideas.
Huang Mingyuan: Undergraduate student at the Cheung Kong School of Art & Design at Shantou University, majoring in Product Design. The concept of design is constantly evolving, and the product is invisible, but the most important aspect is our design thinking. I started experimenting with classmates from different disciplines and found a lot of things that were not accessible to my professional field. I have now become less concerned with what is designed but more about why I design and how to improve in a creative way.
Zhengren Chen: A senior student at Shantou University, China, majoring in mechatronic engineering. Apart from mechatronic engineering, he is also interested in Arduino circuit applications and has applied his knowledge to various interactive design projects. Chen is particularly familiar with optimal maneuvering of robotic manipulators. He was awarded “Scholarship for Outstanding Contribution to Academic Science and Technology” for the years 2017 and 2018 respectively at Shantou University.