Cat: Collaborating with a Neural Network

Rachel Smith (UK)

POSTCITY, Bunker / Basememt, Ars Electronica Gallery Spaces, Säulenhalle, the work is presented in Atelierhaus Salzamt

Cat: Collaborating with a Neural Network is a conversation between Rachel Smith (human) and (artificial neural network). In order to communicate successfully, they must speak the same language. The method of communication is a human/machine compromise; a hand-painted grid of pixels. The human must automate and restrict herself, the network must cope with human error and bodily forms – colors mixed with naked eyes and brushstrokes. By engaging with a closed system, Rachel forces a dialogue where there would usually be none. In exposing the “hidden layers” of the neural network, extracting digital information and replacing it with an analogue counterpart, she is able to influence the final decision made by the machine.