Fremdkörper #3

Students of the visual arts program at BORG Mistelbach (AT)

u19 Winner: Young Professionals Honorary Mention

Three groups were formed to work on three different pieces of music. At the beginning we could not really warm to Stefan Prins’s piece Fremdkorper #3, because we couldn’t identify with it right away—we even found it jarring. But with time we began to be able to work with the sounds, and the piece became the unifying element of our film. We listened to it several times and talked about the images and feelings it evoked in us. Our associations with the music began to concur with each other, with the many individual thoughts merging to make a unified whole, until finally the basic framework of the plot started to take shape.

The staccato, the “weird tones,” disturbing noises, and disruptions led us to the principal theme of “madness,” which in our minds the work described: The protagonist, a young woman, finds herself together with other “patients” in an “institution.” The film is about coercion, pressure, and violence for the purpose of enforced conformity through a system and about breaking out of it—a pixilation in an insane asylum that borders on everyday school life.

A film for a composition by Stefan Prins

A „Musik Aktuell / MuKaTo“  project in cooperation with Musikfabrik NÖ and Klangforum Wien at BORG Mistelbach supervised by G. Fürlinger and K. Krall

Fremdkörper #3 / Students of the visual arts program at BORG Mistelbach