Radio Cloud

Cao Thanh Lan (VN/AT), Gregor Siedl (AT)

Sun Sep 8, 2019, 9:00 pm - 9:10 pm
All times are given in Central European Time (CET / UTC +1).
in the Donaupark between the Brucknerhaus and the LENTOS Art Museum

Radio Cloud is an interactive light-sound-installation by Cao Thanh Lan and Gregor Siedl, which is based on a real-time and site-specific feedback circuit. The radio sound triggers LED-lights which are situated inside a synthetic cloud-like object, the lights in turn trigger the analogue radio search function via a light sensor. The „Cloud“ is a reference to earlier radio experiments of the late 19th century when forefathers of modern radio, such as E. Branly and A. Popov detected “natural radio” emissions produced by far away lightning-storms with their first receivers, e.g. “Coherer” and similar devices. „Cloud“ in our virtual modern world is a metaphor of always-at-anytime-and-anywhere accessible information and the end of linear mass-communication.
Radio cloud“ has an unbiased unfiltered „input“ from real-time FM frequencies on site, only limited by the range of the antenna and the characteristics of the exhibition space. Its input-media is also its output – light and sound. They are mutually dependent, they define, interact and influence each other. The reciprocality of the two energy forms drive things forwards.
The two creators who use two spotlights influence the light intensity in the cloud, thus “dial” through radio frequencies with their spotlights.