The Ars Electronica Futurelab developed interactive presentation technology for Swarovski

(Linz, July 24, 2012) VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY is an interactive presentation tool the Ars Electronica Futurelab developed as a means of staging an inspiring encounter with the Swarovski brand. VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY is being used in conjunction with Swarovski’s WELCOME EXPERIENCEs that are part of the orientation of new staff members.

Magical Spatial Installation

VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY is a walk-through immersive space in which the barriers separating physical and virtual reality dissolve. Walls, table, book—they all blend into a single interactive surface.
VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY’s mission is to imbue new employees with those values that Swarovski’s staff lives by every day. The room-size installation consists of an interactive table and eight wall projections. The table and walls have been set up with a practically invisible code that was developed by the Swedish company Anoto and can be “read” by means of a special digital pen. Thus, every spatial element becomes an interactive surface that provides access to the enchanting world of Swarovski and makes it possible to move the virtual content among the objects.
The use of Anoto technology allows for an extensive and highly precise distribution of content throughout the room and thereby makes possible an extraordinary spatial experience as well as effective interaction & information design.

Discovering Values Together

Up to 20 users can interact simultaneously with this installation, which facilitates users’ encounters with a diverse array of narratives about Swarovski’s core values and the formation of a shared network. Each of these narratives is selected by users via an Anoto pen and transferred to a spot of their choosing on the table, where the narrative is played out. The individual stories contain an explanation, images and three descriptive qualities that are among the seven core values of the Swarovski enterprise. The users select the one quality that they find best describes the particular story and then send the story from their place to the respective core values located in the middle of the table. This communal process of value discovery concludes with a video that is launched in a seemingly magical way and proceeds to blend all the values on the table into a shared spirit.

press release “VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY” / PDF


Voyage of Discovery / Norbert Artner / Printversion / Album