Oswald Oberhuber (AT)
Chairman of the jury Graphic and Animation. Painter, Professor at Vienna’s Applied Arts College. Born 1931 in Merano, studied at the Fine Arts Academy in Vienna under Fritz Wotruba and at the State Academy Stuttgart under Willi Baumeister. 1958 – 61 founder of the “Permanent Change in Arts”, in which context he denied any creation of styles. Oberhuber supports the theory that specific styles cannot be developed in our present time. Images in a variety of techniques and themes are made in this period. 1965 he starts a four year activity as editor of the architectural magazine “BAU” together with Hans Hollein, Walter Pichler, Gustav Peichl. Official representative of Austria at Venice’s Biennale 1972. Since 1973 professor at Vienna’s Applied Arts College. 1974 – 76 intensive teaching programme, his theory of permanent change in the Arts finding international acceptance. 1979 – 87 Rector of above college, 1986 Professor for painting at Salzburg Summer Academy. Numerous exhibitions in Austria and abroad, e.g.: 1983 Special exhibition “Art on Newspapers” in Austria’s National Library; Exhibition at the Städtische Galerie Middelburg (Netherlands) “De Vleeshal”. 1984 Galerie Six-Friedrich, Munich; Galerie Heike Curtze, Dusseldorf; Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst, Citadelpark, Gent; “Terrae Motus”: Naples. 1985 Museo de Bellas Artes, Bilbao; Exhibition by the European Council in Lisbon; Austria-exhipition “Weltpunkt Wien” in Strasburg; exhibition of Austrian Avantgarde in Milan and Bolzano. 1986. “Aug’ in Aug”: opening exhibition at Galerie Krinzinger, Vienna; “Chambres d’Amis”: exhibition project Gent; “10 Positions”: exhibition at Salzburg Kunstverein; exhibition at Galerie Teucher, Zurich. 1987 Frankfurt Kunstverein Tyrol State Museum, Innsbruck Kleines Kunstpalais, Merano.
Loren Carpenter (US)
San Rafael, CA, Senior scientist for PIXAR. Active in computer graphics algorithm research for 20 years. 1980 he presented at Siggraph the first practical fracta1 animated film “vol libre’: a landmark c1assic in computer animation. The creation of mountainous landscapes was further refined, when he developed an antialiased version for cinema. For five years member of the computer division of Lucas-film ltd. (the group that became PIXAR), where he led the technical effort to achieve cinema-quality computer animation. He was the principal architect and programmer for the “genesis demonstration” sequence from the film “Star Trek II”. 1985 he received the Siggraph “Computer Graphics Achievement Award”. It represented many discoveries which advanced computer graphics (extremely robust parametric patch rendering algorithms, efficient approximations fractal curves, contributions to the development of stochastic sampling). His function at PIXAR is to conduct basic research on computer graphics, assist in translating the new discoveries into hardware, then utilize hardware to make images and conduct further research.
Herbert W. Franke (AT)
Munich, Artist and Scientist. Born 1927 in Vienna. From 1954 onward, creative radiography and light graphics, since 1955 theoretical works about rational aesthetics. 1956 application of an analogous data processing system and of a cathode-ray oscilloscope for experimental aesthetics. 1969 works on futurology. Since 1970 computer graphics and films with digital systems, since 1973 lectureship on “cybernetic aesthetics” at the University of Munich, 1979/80 lectureship for perception psychology at the “Fachhochschule” Bielefeld. Since 1985 lectureship for computer graphics/art at the Academy of Visual Arts in Munich. Since 1988 corresponding member of the Académie Européenne des sciences, des arts et des lettres. Publication of several books on experimental photography and computer graphics.
Alex Graham (GB)
London, Videocurator and Videodirector Born 1952 in Glasgow /Scotland. Studied painting at Glasgow School of Art. 1978-80 Exhibitions Director, Battersea Arts Centre London. Set up the ICA Videotheque and Video Library at the Institute of Contemporary Art in London, ICA Director of Videosection up to 1986. Since then freelance curator of Videosection at ICA and curator of numerous video exhibitions representing ICA and British video art at festivals throughout the world (Videonale Bonn, Video-Art Locarno, The Kitchen NY, American Film Institute). Since 1986 Alex Graham has been associate producer and production manager of After Image, a film company which realizes the series “After Image” for Channel 4 TY.
Alfred Nemeczek (DE)
Hamburg, Art Journalist. Born 1933 in Kassel/Germany, qualified in 1954 for university entrance, then trainee on the newspaper “Hessische Nachrichten”. From 1956-67 worked as art journalist for the above newspaper. In the meantime studied German Language and Literature as well as Art History at Marburg/Lahn. 1964 press officer of documenta III in Kassel. 1967-73 art journalist for the German magazine “Der Spiegel” in Hamburg. Up to 1979 art joumalist for the magazine “Stern”. Since then deputy chief editor of the art magazine ART in Hamburg. Specialist fields : fine arts, f11m, new media; occasionally sits on juries; writes articles in various professional magazines.
Toni Verità (IT)
Florence, Art Director. Born 1947 near Brindisi / Italy. After graduation in Philosophy and Mass Communication in Florence he teaches c1asses at Torino, Lyons, Constantine and Rome Universities. With the movie “Network” he turns over to art directing and TV-producing earning positive by the critics for his various videofilms on music- and theatregroups. He collaborates with the Director of Photography Vittorio Storaro (Academy Award for “Apocalypse Now” and “Reds”) in the electronical realization of “Le Ombre” for RAI and in projecting the electronic movie “Inferno di Dante”. Toni Verità published “Il cinema elettronica” and “Wim Wenders-Scripts of Cinema and Music”. Verità lives in Florence and is right now engaged in publicitary work and collaborates as freelance director with the major Italian PR companies.
Zelko Wiener (SR)
Vienna, Artist. Born 1953 in Banja Koviljaca / Yugoslavia. Living in Austria since 1963. 1975-1980 studies at Vienna Applied Arts College. Since 1981 numerous media projects, video and computer works, e.g. “Dialog” (BTX-project for Ars Electronica 86), “Imaginator” (BTX-project for the Biennale of Venice). 1983 member of BLIX artist’s association. Since 1986 lecturer at Vienna Applied Arts College, communication theory department. Organization and management of various computer communication performances. 1988 production of an Austrian video sample for UNESCO’s international seminary “Synthesis – The Visual Arts in Electronic Culture”. Participation at festivals in USA, Southern America and Europe.
Jean-Baptiste Barrière (FR)
Paris, Composer, musical research. Chairman of the jury music. Born 1958 in Paris. Studies inc1uded music, philosophy, mathematical logic. Doctoral thesis on “Systems and Models in Twentieth Century Music” at the Sorbonne University in Paris. Since 1981 researcher at IRCAM (sound synthesis, computer supported composition in the CHANT/FORMES project, education, musical research). 1984-1987 Head of Musical Research Department in IRCAM. First published record “Pandemonium” 1978; winner of the Digital Music Award at the International Electro-Acoustic Music Competition of Bourges in 1983; co-realized with Kaija Saariaho the music of “Collisions”, a multi-media show by Pierre Friloux and Francoise Gedanken (premiered at Ars Electronica 84). 1988 realization of “Venus Hybrid”, installation with computer music and synthetic images together with Pierre Friloux for the First New York Festival. 1988-89 cooperation with Kaija Saariaho for the multi-media show “A Christmas for Vincent Van Gogh” (premiere at New York 1989). Concerts in Japan, USA, Canada and various European countries.
Hubert Bognermayr (AT)
Linz, Computer Musician. Born 1948 in Linz / Austria. Piano lessons at the Brucknerkonservatorium in Linz. Studies of paedagogiy. Since 1968 working in the field of electronic music. 1969 foundation of “Eela Craig” a group specialized in “sinfonic and rockelectronic” music. Various concerts and three record releases. In 1979 Bognermayr was a cofounder of Ars Electronica the Linz festival of Art, Technology and society. 1980 he founded the Music Computer Team, experimenting with compositions and natural sound sources. 1982 premiere of “Erdenklang” a computeracoustic sinfony within Ars Electronica; followed by “Sermon on the Mountain” 1984. Collaborations with Herbert von Karajan; Mike Oldfield; Vienna’s Burgtheater (“Antigone”) and 1987 with Andre Heller for Luna Luna / Hamburg where Bognermayr designed the soundconcept for “Dali’s Dome”. 1988 Bognermayr founded “Blue Chip” The First Digital Philharmonic Orchestra.
William Buxton (CA)
Composer, Performer and Instrumentdesigner. William Buxton is typical of an emerging breed of artist/scientist. Buxton has a degree in music from Queen’s University. He studied Sonology at the State University of Utrecht, Holland, and holds an M.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Toronto. Since 1970, he has focused largely on works that utilized electronic media, both audio and visual. In the process, he became interested in the design and improvement of electronic and computer-based instruments. Since 1982 he has been a research scientist at the Computer Systems Research Institute at the University of Toronto, where he co-directs the computer graphics laboratory. He is currently working as a visiting scientist at Rank Xerox’s new Cambridge EuroPARC research facility. Buxton is on the editorial board of the journal Human Computer Interaction. Member of the Human-Factors Society. He has published and lectured extensively on human-computer interaction. With Ron Baecker, he is co-editor of the book “Readings in Human-Computer Interaction: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach”. He is a composer and performer whose works have been performed and broadcast throughout North America and Europe.
Thomas Kessler (CH)
Allschwil (Basel), Composer. Born 1937 in Zurich. Germanistic and Romanic linguistics at Zurich and Paris Universities. Studied music at the State College of Music in Berlin with Heinz F. Hartig, Boris Blacher and Ernst Pepping. 1965 he founded his own studio for electronic music. 1968 Berlin Young Generation Arts Award. In the following years director of Berlin Electronic Beat Studio and musical director of the Centre Universitaire International de Formation et de Recherche Dramatiques at Nancy. Since 1973 lecturer for theorie and composition at the Basel Music Academy. Numerous computer music compositions, e.g. “Drumphony” for drums, computer and orchestra (1981), “Flute Control” for flute and computer (1986).
Dieter Kaufmann (AT)
Feldkirchen, Composer. Born 1941 in Vienna. Studied Musical Education, Germanistic linguistics, Arts History, violincello, composition with Schiske, Einem, Messiaen and Leibowitz as well as electroacoustic music with Franyois Bayle and Pierre Schaeffer at the Groupe de Recherches Musicales of French Broadcasting Corp. Since 1970 lecturer electro-acoustical music at Vienna Music College. 1979 founder of “K&K Experimentalstudio” together with the actress Gunda König. Since 1983 composition c1ass at Carinthia State Conservatory and president of Austria’s IGNM section. Compositions commissioned by festivals, music ensembles and orchestras. Numerous records.
Oswald Oberhuber (AT)
Chairman of the jury Graphic and Animation. Painter, Professor at Vienna’s Applied Arts College. Born 1931 in Merano, studied at the Fine Arts Academy in Vienna under Fritz Wotruba and at the State Academy Stuttgart under Willi Baumeister. 1958 – 61 founder of the “Permanent Change in Arts”, in which context he denied any creation of styles. Oberhuber supports the theory that specific styles cannot be developed in our present time. Images in a variety of techniques and themes are made in this period. 1965 he starts a four year activity as editor of the architectural magazine “BAU” together with Hans Hollein, Walter Pichler, Gustav Peichl. Official representative of Austria at Venice’s Biennale 1972. Since 1973 professor at Vienna’s Applied Arts College. 1974 – 76 intensive teaching programme, his theory of permanent change in the Arts finding international acceptance. 1979 – 87 Rector of above college, 1986 Professor for painting at Salzburg Summer Academy. Numerous exhibitions in Austria and abroad, e.g.: 1983 Special exhibition “Art on Newspapers” in Austria’s National Library; Exhibition at the Städtische Galerie Middelburg (Netherlands) “De Vleeshal”. 1984 Galerie Six-Friedrich, Munich; Galeie Heike Curtze, Dusseldorf; Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst, Citadelpark, Gent; “Terrae Motus”: Naples. 1985 Museo de Bellas Artes, Bilbao; Exhibition by the European Council in Lisbon; Austria-exhipition “Weltpunkt Wien” in Strasburg; exhibition of Austrian Avantgarde in Milan and Bolzano. 1986. “Aug’ in Aug”: opening exhibition at Galerie Krinzinger, Vienna; “Chambres d’Amis”: exhibition project Gent; “10 Positions”: exhibition at Salzburg Kunstverein; exhibition at Galerie Teucher, Zurich. 1987 Frankfurt Kunstverein Tyrol State Museum, Innsbruck Kleines Kunstpalais, Merano.
Loren Carpenter (US)
San Rafael, CA, Senior scientist for PIXAR. Active in computer graphics algorithm research for 20 years. 1980 he presented at Siggraph the first practical fracta1 animated film “vol libre’: a landmark c1assic in computer animation. The creation of mountainous landscapes was further refined, when he developed an antialiased version for cinema. For five years member of the computer division of Lucas-film ltd. (the group that became PIXAR), where he led the technical effort to achieve cinema-quality computer animation. He was the principal architect and programmer for the “genesis demonstration” sequence from the film “Star Trek II”. 1985 he received the Siggraph “Computer Graphics Achievement Award”. It represented many discoveries which advanced computer graphics (extremely robust parametric patch rendering algorithms, efficient approximations fractal curves, contributions to the development of stochastic sampling). His function at PIXAR is to conduct basic research on computer graphics, assist in translating the new discoveries into hardware, then utilize hardware to make images and conduct further research.
Herbert W. Franke (AT)
Munich, Artist and Scientist. Born 1927 in Vienna. From 1954 onward, creative radiography and light graphics, since 1955 theoretical works about rational aesthetics. 1956 application of an analogous data processing system and of a cathode-ray oscilloscope for experimental aesthetics. 1969 works on futurology. Since 1970 computer graphics and films with digital systems, since 1973 lectureship on “cybernetic aesthetics” at the University of Munich, 1979/80 lectureship for perception psychology at the “Fachhochschule” Bielefeld. Since 1985 lectureship for computer graphics/art at the Academy of Visual Arts in Munich. Since 1988 corresponding member of the Académie Européenne des sciences, des arts et des lettres. Publication of several books on experimental photography and computer graphics.
Alex Graham (GB)
London, Videocurator and Videodirector. Born 1952 in Glasgow /Scotland. Studied painting at Glasgow School of Art. 1978-80 Exhibitions Director, Battersea Arts Centre London. Set up the ICA Videotheque and Video Library at the Institute of Contemporary Art in London, ICA Director of Videosection up to 1986. Since then freelance curator of Videosection at ICA and curator of numerous video exhibitions representing ICA and British video art at festivals throughout the world (Videonale Bonn, Video-Art Locarno, The Kitchen NY, American Film Institute). Since 1986 Alex Graham has been associate producer and production manager of After Image, a film company which realizes the series “After Image” for Channel 4 TY.
Alfred Nemeczek (DE)
Hamburg, Art Journalist. Born 1933 in Kassel/Germany, qualified in 1954 for university entrance, then trainee on the newspaper “Hessische Nachrichten”. From 1956-67 worked as art journalist for the above newspaper. In the meantime studied German Language and Literature as well as Art History at Marburg/Lahn. 1964 press officer of documenta III in Kassel. 1967-73 art journalist for the German magazine “Der Spiegel” in Hamburg. Up to 1979 art joumalist for the magazine “Stern”. Since then deputy chief editor of the art magazine ART in Hamburg. Specialist fields : fine arts, f11m, new media; occasionally sits on juries; writes articles in various professional magazines.
Toni Verità (IT)
Florence, Art Director. Born 1947 near Brindisi / Italy. After graduation in Philosophy and Mass Communication in Florence he teaches c1asses at Torino, Lyons, Constantine and Rome Universities. With the movie “Network” he turns over to art directing and TV-producing earning positive by the critics for his various videofilms on music- and theatregroups. He collaborates with the Director of Photography Vittorio Storaro (Academy Award for “Apocalypse Now” and “Reds”) in the electronical realization of “Le Ombre” for RAI and in projecting the electronic movie “Inferno di Dante”. Toni Verità published “Il cinema elettronica” and “Wim Wenders-Scripts of Cinema and Music”. Verità lives in Florence and is right now engaged in publicitary work and collaborates as freelance director with the major Italian PR companies.
Zelko Wiener (SR)
Vienna, Artist. Born 1953 in Banja Koviljaca / Yugoslavia. Living in Austria since 1963. 1975-1980 studies at Vienna Applied Arts College. Since 1981 numerous media projects, video and computer works, e.g. “Dialog” (BTX-project for Ars Electronica 86), “Imaginator” (BTX-project for the Biennale of Venice). 1983 member of BLIX artist’s association. Since 1986 lecturer at Vienna Applied Arts College, communication theory department. Organization and management of various computer communication performances. 1988 production of an Austrian video sample for UNESCO’s international seminary “Synthesis – The Visual Arts in Electronic Culture”. Participation at festivals in USA, Southern America and Europe.