Photo: Daniela Sülwold

Disco Planet: Letheia

Ars Electronica Garden Hamburg: Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) (DE)

Which truth are we referring to anyway? Truth produced by our individual bodily experience or truth produced by our societal institutional arrangements and collective life-worlds?

Disco Planet: Letheia starts the journey from a place, framed by a deep-time past and modeled and funded future-pathways, called “Landscape of Now”. From this place Do wants to start by exploring our everyday practices and habits (bed, washing, way to school/work) and then scale up to bigger institutions that produce truths professionally: science, media, finance and art institutions. This mapping of institutions places them in an environment of institutions that situates them in the context of a wider economy and in this way explores their functional role in society. Taking an elevator to a science satellite, we can observe these institutions from a top-down place and correlate this with knowledge we have about our earth-system and future pathways.

Hen/i starts from our inner experience and thought. Starting with a meditative talk and practice to open our mind to our own senses, we will progress to a social art practice to confront ourselves with our inner conflicts and “stuck” states in a live performance. Coming out of this real-life practice, we will meet/merge in a shared “steam room” which is a simulated/real-life place of transformation, to relax with our shared perspectives and start the arduous work of changing.

(Letheia, a mixture of Alḗtheia [truth] and Lḗthē [forgetting])

  • Disco Planet: Letheia

    Disco Planet: Letheia

    Hen/i (US/DE), Do Mayer (DE)

    The performance and video installation Disco Planet: Letheia takes a philosophical 3D landscape as backdrop to inquire into relations between plants, humans and animals, and their embeddedness in environment/society.


The Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) was initiated by the German Federal Government in 2009 as a fundamental part of the German high‐tech strategy for climate protection. Since 2014, GERICS has been an independent scientific organizational entity of the Helmholtz‐Zentrum Hereon. The interdisciplinary team develops scientifically based prototype products and services to support decision-makers in politics, business and public administration in adapting to climate change.


Thanks to the HIDA Fellowship, Akademie für Theater und Digitalität, Dortmund und GERICS Hamburg.

The precursor to this project was developed within the Art Meets Science fellowship of the Helmholtz Information & Data Science Academy (HIDA) at the Academy for Theater and Digitality and the Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS).