Anatomy of Nudging / Godot (JP/AT), Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT), Photo: Markus Schneeberger

Anatomy of Nudging

Godot (JP/AT), Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT)

Collective Transformation Lab

Anatomy of Nudging is the first installation within the framework of the Collective Transformation Lab – an enlightening self-reflection platform established between Godot and the Ars Electronica Futurelab. The ambition is to demonstrate the transparency of Godot’s application NudgeAI and to provide users with a trustful approach to artificial intelligence in which they themselves become part of the process.

Anatomy of Nudging asks festival visitors to accept a challenge in which they nudge strangers to carry out a task. They themselves, as “Nudgers”, step out of their comfort zone and encourage someone else – the “Nudgee” – to reflectively change their behavior towards social challenges by performing a micro-action. The aim is that both experience a sense of achievement for overcoming a personal barrier. Finally, by contributing, participants get a personal reward they can add on the “Wall of Nudge” and take part in a collective effort to nudge Godot to make a social statement.

Contribute to common goals and nudge Godot!

Sometimes it is easier for us to change our behavior effectively towards social issues when someone else is nudging us. Therefore, you can also contribute to common goals together with other users of the installation to encourage Godot to face different challenges during the festival.

With each completed quest, the score above the screen of the installation increases with the number of points of that quest. Once a new goal is achieved, you can follow when Godot will perform their next festival challenge, and you can accompany them along the way.

At 300 points, Godot will hold a pitch about their company’s future vision.
At 700 points, Godot invites you to a festival tour with them from the perspective of behaviour science.
At 1000 points, Godot makes a social contribution to the city of Linz.

Stay tuned!


Godot: Ken Moriyama, Go Suzui, Arata Shimizu, Mei Sumimoto
Ars Electronica Futurelab : Friedrich Bachinger, Denise Hirtenfelder, Roland Haring, Susanne Kiesenhofer, Hideaki Ogawa, Cyntha Wieringa

Godot (JP/AT)

Godot is a Japan-based start-up company with a second branch in Austria that focuses on AI technology to help augment human. Technologies that make people faster, smarter, and stronger are valuable, but technologies that make us kinder towards fellow human beings are invaluable. It’s important for us to augment people’s empathy, above all else, to reimagine the world as a place where everyone is given a fair chance to grow and contribute to society. Godot is developing technologies that can break through our cognitive limitations and biases so that we can better empathise with others and redesign the world to be more inclusive.