Think slow, act fast. This is the mantra of the Collective Transformation Lab – an enlightening self-reflection platform established as a collaboration between Godot, a Japan-based start-up company focusing on AI technology that inspires behavior change in human beings, and the Ars Electronica Futurelab.
As a multi-year collection of different prototypes, in which a new piece is added annually, the goal of the platform is to deeply understand human behavior and to stimulate collective transformation by overcoming biases through the transparent and humane use of AI.
Anatomy of Nudging is the first installation presented at the Ars Electronica Festival 2023 within the framework of the Collective Transformation Lab. The ambition is to demonstrate the transparency of Godot’s application NudgeAI and to provide users with a trustful approach to artificial intelligence in which they themselves become part of the process.
NudgeAI encourages behavior change in individuals by approaching them with personalized messages that are generated by data that reflects people’s behavioral patterns. By using the technology individuals can be targeted with interventions that effectively influence their decisions while staying respectful to their freedom of choice.
Anatomy of Nudging asks visitors of the Ars Electronica Festival to accept a challenge in which they nudge strangers to carry out a task. They themselves, as “Nudgers”, shall have a safe feeling to step out of their comfort zone and encourage someone else – the “Nudgee” – to reflectively change their behavior towards social challenges of the 21st century by performing a micro-action. The goal is to make the Nudger as well as the Nudgee feeling rewarded for overcoming a personal barrier. Finally, by contributing, participants do not only get a personal reward by adding their micro-action on the “Wall of Nudge” of the installation, but also add to a common goal by collecting points and nudging Godot themselves to try something new and make a social statement.
This project was part of the Open Futurelab at the Ars Electronica Festival 2023.
Ars Electronica Futurelab: Friedrich Bachinger, Roland Haring, Denise Hirtenfelder, Susanne Kiesenhofer, Nicolas Naveau, Hideaki Ogawa, Cyntha Wieringa
PARTNER: Godot (JP/AT): Ken Moriyama, Arata Shimizu, Mei Sumimoto, Go Suzui