Art Meets / CultTech , Photo: Soft Work Studio

CultTech x Ars Electronica Award

Ars Electronica Garden Vienna: CultTech Association (AT)

This distinguished award calls for projects and ideas that exemplify responsible usage of technology and actively contribute to the accessibility and impact of culture, while fostering meaningful engagement between creators, distributors and audiences. Embracing the powerful intersection of culture and technology, it aims to support initiatives that drive sustainability, encourage responsible technological advancements and facilitate digital transformation within the cultural and creative industries.

The CultTech x Ars Electronica Award fosters endeavors that harness the power of innovation and creativity to drive positive social change, not only on a local or regional level but on a planetary scale, too. By spotlighting outstanding initiatives, this award underscores the need to utilize technology and resources responsibly, fostering inclusivity and promoting positive transformations.

Through this recognition, we seek to amplify the importance of social impact within the realm of culture and technology. We invite individuals, collectives and organizations to submit their groundbreaking initiatives that exemplify the transformative potential of the arts, while addressing critical issues, fostering inclusivity and promoting positive change.

Join us as we celebrate the remarkable endeavors that bridge the worlds of culture and technology, inspiring a future where creativity, accessibility and sustainability intertwine for the betterment of our society and the world at large.

  • Art Meets

    Art Meets

    Michaela Limberis (ZA), Precious Mhone (MW), Tammy Langtry (ZA)

    The Art Meets app project is a digital platform that promotes, spotlights and connects visual arts ecosystems. In 2020, the Art Meets team hosted an online research project to understand how an app could serve in a specifically African context, particularly in the wake of COVID-19.

CultTech Association (AT)

The CultTech Association is a non-profit organization run by a team of passionate individuals who believe that technology holds great promises for the future of culture and the arts, if managed well. The organization is involved in various activities, including a startup accelerator program, *CultTech Accelerator*, that brings together expertise and networks from across the startup, tech, culture and art scenes in Europe and beyond, and (soon to be announced) a Startup Studio and a Venture Fund. The organization is headquartered in Vienna.


Duduetsang Lamola (blk banaana), Pyda, Munashe Matyatya, Thoriso Moseneke, Precious Mhone, Michaela Limberis, Tammy Langtry, Athini Bashe, Carlin Eloff, Micah De Jager, Bohlale Kobe, AFRI (African Fashion Research Institute)