Expert Tour

  • Expert Tour with Friedrich Schwarz: POSTCITY rooftop

    Expert Tour with Friedrich Schwarz: POSTCITY rooftop

    Friedrich Schwarz (AT)

    Expert Tours on the roof of POSTCITY have already been undertaken several times as part of the Ars Electronica Festival. Urban ecologist and botanist Friedrich Schwarz will take you on a journey into a special world that you wouldn’t expect to find in such abundance: for decades, a collection of ecological wonders has developed here…

  • Expert Tour: Open Futurelab at POSTCITY

    Expert Tour: Open Futurelab at POSTCITY

    Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT)

    Ars Electronica Futurelab members invite you to embark on a tour through Futurelab’s visions and ideas for tangible futures concentrated at the Open Futurelab. The daily Futurelab Tours guide through the multi-layered experience space, highlighting diverse projects to provoke collective dialogue.

  • Expert Tour: MIKRO-MAKRO, from observation to orientation (Projekt Atol)

    Expert Tour: MIKRO-MAKRO, from observation to orientation (Projekt Atol)

    Marko Peljhan (SI) / Uroš Veber (SI)

    MIKRO-MAKRO, from observation to orientation, led by Marko Peljhan (SI) and Uroš Veber (SI), focuses on showcasing works that observe systems and will attempt to synthesize certain common topical vectors present in all of them.

  • Expert Tour with Miha Turšič: Mattering

    Expert Tour with Miha Turšič: Mattering

    Miha Turšič (SI/NL) / Waag Futurelab

    ‘Matter’ can be understood as both a noun and a verb: it is about material and about caring. Mattering is the inseparable interplay between creating facts and values, and the cultural and societal structures that emerge from this dynamic relationship. The way in which we imagine our planet influences our direct environment and therefore matters…

  • Expert Tour with Annick Bureaud: Terraforming Earth – Decolonizing Space

    Expert Tour with Annick Bureaud: Terraforming Earth – Decolonizing Space

    Annick Bureaud (FR) / Leonardo/Olats

    Terraforming is the process by which we would like to transform other planets to make them habitable for us. Colonization has become the synonym to appropriation and exploitation. Considering these notions, we discuss how they could inform humanity’s view looking back at Earth and at our endeavors in Space today through a selection of three…

  • Expert Tour with Andy Gracie: Massive Binaries

    Expert Tour with Andy Gracie: Massive Binaries

    Andy Gracie (UK/ES)

    Focusing on neutron star mergers and the phenomena produced by interactions between binary systems across society and cosmology, the project discusses the fragile, hidden and impossible truths around us.

  • Expert Tour with Florian Weigl: V2_ Test_Lab Summer Sessions

    Expert Tour with Florian Weigl: V2_ Test_Lab Summer Sessions

    Florian Weigl (NL)

    V2_ will host a live event introducing all of the involved artists which highlights their pratice and projects. The event will also form a meeting point to discuss how to strategically further develop international opportunities for emerging and young professionals amongst past, present and future partners of the network.

  • Expert Tour with Max Boutin: Focus on Hexagram’s imprints

    Expert Tour with Max Boutin: Focus on Hexagram’s imprints

    Max Boutin (FR)

    In this tour, visitors will learn about Research-Creation (R-C) through a selection of Hexagram Network members’ works.

  • Expert Tour in the Campus Exhibition: Interface Cultures presents Resonating Selves

    Expert Tour in the Campus Exhibition: Interface Cultures presents Resonating Selves

    In an era where truth is increasingly elusive and subjective, this exhibition presents a captivating exploration of how our identities resonate and interact with the world around us with the tools of media/digital art, interactive art and participatory practices, where the master program Interface Cultures is located.

  • Expert Tour in (Co)Owning More-than-Truth with Martin Honzik

    Expert Tour in (Co)Owning More-than-Truth with Martin Honzik

    Martin Honzik (AT)

    Together with Chief Curatorial Officer Martin Honzik (AT) you will make an in-depth exploration of this year’s theme exhibition. Alongside the omnipresent questions of the exhibition (Co)Owning More-than-Truth this tour offers a behind-the-scenes look into the curatorial side of things and the chance to meet some of the artists presenting their works in person.