The Great Offshore / RYBN.ORG (FR), Photo:

The Great Offshore


The Great Offshore is a long term artistic investigation into the depths of offshore banking, presenting a web of documents, photographs, gleaned objects, narratives and diagrams collected during several research trips to some of the most notorious tax havens: Dublin, London, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Jersey & Guernsey, Delaware, the Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Malta, the Netherlands, Luxembourg. As the investigation has advanced, the project has shifted its scope to the most recent and extreme offshore infrastructures, including Art Freeports, Luxembourg space mining initiative, Maltese golden passports and cryptocurrencies programs, dystopian luxury bunkers and engineered islands from the Seasteading Institute, etc.

By connecting these heterogeneous extraterritorialities designed for wealthy individuals (HNWI) and multinationals, The Great Offshore documents the emergence of a new regime of liquid governance.


The Great Offshore has been produced since 2017 with the support of: DICRéAM, Espace multimédia Gantner, FNAGP, La Gaîté lyrique, H3K, Atelier Mondial; Eucida, Institut Français Les Collectifs, _V2, FIBER, Waag; CNAP, Éd. UV; M-Cult, EMAP/EMARE.
Collaborators: Wilfried Bartoli, Jean-François Blanquet, Marie Constant, DinahBird.
Algoffshore series belongs to the Espace multimedia Gantner collection.

With the kind support of Institut Français.

This project is funded and presented in the context of the EMAP project co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.


Since 1999, the RYBN.ORG artist collective has been developing extradisciplinary investigations into complex and opaque socio-technical phenomena (high-frequency trading, subsecond market infrastructures, offshore finance circuits, human labor in computational systems, the extent of industrial property to the living organisms, etc.). The artworks resulting from these investigations aim at being performative systems inserted into environments where they can flag effects and cause glitches.