The Saturday of the Ars Electronica Festival explores the question of how we want to deal with data, how much diversity should prevail in the digital landscape and on what foundations we want to build our society.
Where would this process be in better hands than with the future generation, i.e. the under 19s? Entries can be submitted to the Prix Ars Electronica in the u19-create your world category all year round – and the winners are also awarded prizes every year. Saturday kicks off with the Award Ceremony for the numerous winners.

Congratulations to all the winners!

Our diet is a major topic of the future: Here, the annual BIO farmers’ market invites you to feast your way through Upper Austria’s regional organic products – with a clear conscience, of course.

There is much to discover and enjoy.

In terms of content, the day is dedicated to digital humanism, as it is AI Lab Conference Day. Panels and lectures from the European ARTificial Intelligence Lab are scheduled throughout the day. Five major thematic blocks will be discussed: AI x Music, AI x Civil Society, AI x Media Literacy, AI x Feudalism, AI x Digital Humanism.

At the panel “Civil Society” Julia Kloiber, Glacier Kwong, Kilian Kleinschmidt, Caroline Sinders and Simon Weckert will discuss.

The urgent issues of our time will be discussed in the panels.

FEST.ENGAGIERT is the name of the volunteer fair. Here, too, the focus is on social commitment, namely volunteering.

Starting at 13:00, the symposium “The Civil Society of the Future: Co-Creation Works” takes place parallel to the Volunteer Fair. Here, national and international activists and interested parties will exchange ideas about innovations and future-oriented possibilities of civil society engagement in general and in times of COVID-19.

Saturday is also blessed with wonderful outdoor weather.

Meanwhile, at the create your world festival, people are tasting, wiping, throwing, hammering and, above all, laughing.

So many great things to discover here….

An important part of the festival takes place online. Here is a view into the wide world of the WWW…
A little further on, the “Democracy Repair Café” invites everyone who wants to participate in the further shaping of society and its interaction with digital technology.

In the midst of all the programming on the festival grounds at the JKU, however, the other locations should not be forgotten – in the Ars Electronica Center’s Deep Space 8K, many very different programs are running: artistic…

… and informative.

Then, starting at 6 p.m., “Frau Sammer” delighted the audience in front of the Festival University stage.

With synth sounds, electric bass, two voices, rap and assi-sacral hymns, the four Sammers show themselves shrill and quiet, virtuosic and virtual, amateurish and absolutely professional.

As headliner Zanshin closes the evening at the festival location In Kepler’s Gardens. Dancing is allowed!