The jury made up of international experts charged with selecting the recipients of the 2018 STARTS Prizes awarded by the European Commission recently convened for an entire weekend at the Ars Electronica Center. Their mission: to recognize outstanding work at the interface of science, technology and art. The outcome is still confidential; nevertheless, jurors Francesca…
This year’s THE ARTS+ Creative Business Festival at the Frankfurt Book Fair provides the perfect showcase for men and women who’ve been honored for their extraordinary creativity, for their innovative projects at the nexus of science, technology and art, and for the European Commission’s STARTS initiative.
How can science, technology and art become more tightly intermeshed, and how do they benefit from these linkages? Outstanding best-practice examples and insightful speeches lead off the STARTS Talks series in Berlin and Eindhoven.
Taking advantage of this continent’s diversity—that’s what Ars Electronica has been doing in a broad spectrum of collaborative projects clear across Europe. In this interview, Festival Director Martin Honzik and Producer Veronika Liebl told us about them and what role they’ll play at the Ars Electronica Festival September 7-11, 2017.
Dealing with complex issues calls for marshalling insights and skills from numerous fields, cultures and perspectives. Excellence in accomplishing this is precisely what the European Commission aims to honor with the STARTS Prize. Here, we present 2017’s best projects and what the jury’s statement has to say about them. Many will be featured in a…
The STARTS Prize awarded by the European Commission spotlights collaboration of science, technology and art. That’s the same approach taken by Sophie Lampartner, director of swissnex San Francisco and one of this year’s STARTS jurors. In this interview, she talks about trends at the nexus of these three domains.
Now that the 2017 STARTS Prizes have been selected, the European Commission’s STARTS initiative is launching another attractive program. Artists can now apply for a residency in which they create a new work of art using the technology of the R&D project of their choice. The entry deadline is May 22, 2017.
This year’s STARTS PRIZE recipients come from Japan and Switzerland. “I’m Humanity” garnered the Grand Prize for Artistic Exploration for Etsuko Yakushimaru; the Grand Prize for Innovative Collaboration goes to Gramazio Kohler Research at ETH–Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich and the Self-Assembly Lab at MIT for their “Rock Print” installation.
Collaboration among science, technology and art is urgently needed! Marleen Stikker and Lucas Evers of the Waag Society talk about these three fields’ commonalities and, shortly before the entry deadline, address a last-chance call to motivate artists, engineers and scientists to submit their transdisciplinary projects for 2017 STARTS Prize consideration.
In this interview, the artistic director of the Centre for Fine Arts (BOZAR) discusses the artist’s role in this day and age, notes that art also emerges beyond the confines of picture frames, and points out how important it is for disciplines to interconnect.
In what ways do science, technology and art overlap? What is innovation? And which technological developments will be successful over the long run? Gerfried Stocker, artistic director of Ars Electronica, and Veronika Liebl, STARTS project manager, discussed these topics with us.
The first STARTS Prize competition was conducted by Ars Electronica on behalf of the European Commission this year. The mission: recognizing excellence at the nexus of science, technology and art. Here’s an overview of the winners as well as a few very interesting runners-up and nominees.
March 13, 2016 is the deadline for entries to Ars Electronica’s search conducted under the auspices of the European Commission for innovative projects at the nexus of science, technology and art. Alexander Mankowsky, a futurist on the staff of Daimler AG and a STARTS juror, recently talked to us about the trailblazing role of art…
Two €20,000 prizes honoring innovative projects at the nexus of science, technology and art! What’s this very generously endowed competition all about, and what’s the European Commission’s take on the increasing digitization of our world? We recently had a chance to chat with the initiator of the STARTS program, Ralph Dum.