In an era dominated by rapid technological advancements, this project advocates for a slowing down of technology to foster a more inclusive, equitable, and reflective digital culture. “Reclaiming Technology” is conceptualised as an interdisciplinary artistic project focusing on the intersection of gender, time, and technology. It seeks to slow down and demystify our tech-driven lives, advocating for more humanity in technology.
Does faster mean better?
What are we sacrificing for the sake of the speed of technologies?
Are fast technologies saving or rather consuming our lived time?
These questions, central to the project, allude to the concept of ‘temporal justice,’ a term coined by sociologist Judy Wajcman. This concept highlights the intertwined nature of technology with issues of time and gender, examining how prevailing tech trends often marginalise certain groups while privileging others.
This project examines how technology, often perceived as a neutral tool, replicates social and gender biases and stereotypes, manipulates the pace of everyday lived time, consequently diminishing opportunities for critical reflection and inclusive participation. By incorporating principles of slow technology, the vision is to create spaces, contexts, and tools, where technology acts as a catalyst for empowerment and inclusivity, challenging the imperative of acceleration and fast progress.
Imagine new ways of how we relate to technology. Let’s construct technologies that are not necessarily productive or effective, technologies that are rather slow instead of fast, technologies that are inclusive and not exclusive. This is an invitation to collectively and critically look at our relationship with technology, rethink and re-establish it. In the end, we want technology to be enjoyed by everyone, regardless of their age, gender, or social background.
Silvia Binda
Jury Statement
Reclaiming Technology: A Collaborative Feminist Approach is deeply rooted in Pro Progressione’s ethos, championing a grassroots, feminist-inclusive digital culture. This pioneering project seeks to dismantle biases and promote gender equity through community-driven efforts, emphasizing a slower, more intentional approach to technology. Silvia Binda Heiserova plans to utilize the residency’s resources to highlight the importance of feminist principles in technological advancements, promising a more inclusive and reflective digital future grounded in grassroots activism. The Pro Progressione team and our experts are looking forward to fostering something new through this project in the digital cultural sphere of Hungary.
Pro Progessione

Silvia Binda (SK)
Silvia Binda is a visual and multimedia artist, researcher, and creative coder. Her artistic practice critically explores power dynamics in the digital era through a gender perspective, aiming to subvert stereotypical and biased gender representations in social and virtual spaces. Silvia earned her Doctoral Degree in Fine Arts: Practice and Research from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, where she was part of the Art and Gender research group. She holds an MFA title in Visual and Multimedia Arts and an MFA in Artistic Practice from the same institution.