Andreas Jalsovec

  • Drone100: Spaxels over Linz

    Drone100: Spaxels over Linz

    Partnering with Intel ™ on the Drone 100 project paid off tremendously for the Spaxels crew in terms of technical impetus and media coverage. Following this momentous achievement and with the next Ars Electronica Festival coming up, it was high time to demonstrate just how far this undertaking had come at the very spot where…

  • Deep Space 8K

    Deep Space 8K

    The Deep Space 8K has received a major upgrade in 2022 – read all about the technical innovations as well as the latest programs on our Deep Space 8K EVOLUTION page!

  • Tosca – Odeon

    Tosca – Odeon

    Rupert Huber and Richard Dorfmeister (aka TOSCA) premiered their new album Odeon at Linz’s Musiktheater together with vocalists Sarah Carlier, Robert Gallagher, Rodney Hunter and Jay Jay Jones as well as the Wiener K&K String Quartet.

  • Pixelspaces


    Pixelspaces was an annual conference that the Ars Electronica Futurelab staged between 2001 and 2013. It was succeeded in 2018 by the Open Futurelab, an annual glimpse behind the scenes of the Ars Electronica Futurelab that continues to this day.

  • ZeitRaum


    ZeitRaum (“TimeSpace”) is an interactive art installation the Ars Electronica Futurelab designed for the new terminal at Vienna International Airport. It creates real-time interpretations of arriving and departing flights.

  • Spaxels / Klangwolke – Quadrocopter

    Spaxels / Klangwolke – Quadrocopter

    Ars Electronica Futurelab’s quadcopter swarm was one of the highlights of the 2012 voestalpine Klangwolke (Cloud of Sound) in Linz. More than 90,000 spectators lined both banks of the Danube to witness a then world record: a formation flight by no fewer than 49 quadcopters. Never before had such a large squadron of whirlybird drones…

  • Human Robot Harmony

    Human Robot Harmony

    Research with Humanoid Robot Honda ASIMO

    The Ars Electronica Futurelab and Honda R&D worked together to research the next generation of the relationship between humans and robots – with the humanoid robot Honda ASIMO at the center.

  • Il mondo della luna

    Il mondo della luna

    “Il mondo della luna – The World in the moon” by Joseph Haydn at the 2009 international Bruckner Festival “Il mondo della luna” has been performed in the Brucknerhaus by the Bruckner Orchestra Linz under conductor Martin Sieghart.

  • Papyrate’s Island

    Papyrate’s Island

    “Papyrate’s Island” is a multi-user interactive narrative on the Deep Space platform that was developed in collaboration with the Media Interaction Lab in Hagenberg. Technically speaking, “Papyrate’s Island” is a cross between a VR environment and a nonlinear animation film.

  • Mahler’s Resurrection Symphony Visionized

    Mahler’s Resurrection Symphony Visionized

    As a follow-up to their “Das Rheingold – Visionized” pilot project, the Ars Electronica Futurelab again collaborated with artist Johannes Deutsch on a performance of Gustav Mahler’s Symphony Nr. 2 in C minor as an interactive visualization in three-dimensional space.

  • City Puzzle

    City Puzzle

    An interactive simulation environment visualized technological approaches that city planners and architects of the future would be working with. This installation was an expanded spin-off of “Gulliver’s World,” the Ars Electronica Center’s mixed reality environment, and used a simple urban planning model as an example illustrating concrete application possibilities. Visitors could manipulate the various scenarios…

  • Hidden Worlds

    Hidden Worlds

    The collaboration between SAP and Ars Electronica has been in place since 2002. This partnership is a prototype for new models of collaboration between art, business, technology and society. The collaboration ranges from media art presentations at SAP events and novel visualizations of information to joint research projects and innovative social initiatives.