What makes up the gigantic, imposing sound of a Bruckner symphony? Visitors explore the question playfully and interactively with Playing Anton – an innovative application for the Deep Space 8K at the Ars Electronica Center, developed by the Ars Electronica Futurelab. Here, the audience takes over the formation of the instrumental groups of the Bruckner…
The immersive sound space Being Anton at the Ars Electronica Center in Linz – developed by the Ars Electronica Futurelab – offers visitors the opportunity to experience the sound world of composer Anton Bruckner in a new way. Based on extensive historical research, visitors are immersed in the soundscape of the Industrial Revolution, which is…
In 2018, the Kaiserschild Stiftung, a charitable private foundation, approached the Ars Electronica Futurelab to support the realization of their goal to offer primary school children in rural areas of Austria a hands-on learning experience on STE(A)M topics – science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics. Their idea of developing a mobile learning and dissemination concept…
We are living in the midst of a dramatic transformation of everyday life and society brought about by the digital revolution. Our daily activities and the various events and environments that surround us generate vast amounts of data. “Data science,” the exploration of its use, and the “data scientists” who specialize in this field are…
Ricoh, Art and Program, and Ars Electronica Futurelab have launched a collaborative research project in August 2022 with the mission to inspire and support human creativity in the future workplace. The project aims to develop innovative technologies, spaces, and services that enhance team creativity and foster mutual care among future teams.
In autumn 2023, the theater world celebrated the 150th birthday of Max Reinhardt, one of the most famous German-speaking theater makers of the 20th century. The Salzburg Festival commemorated the theatrical magician by recreating one of his most famous projects: the acclaimed production of Goethe’s “Faust” (1933-1937) at the unique venue Felsenreitschule in Salzburg with…
Glockner.Luft.Raum is an approx. 15-minute data-based generative sequence that makes the complex connections between global climate change and regional weather kitchen in the Austrian Glockner region visible, audible, and tangible.
In collaboration with the Ars Electronica Futurelab, the Deutsches Museum in Bonn is reinventing itself and becoming a central platform for the future topic of artificial intelligence: in two themed experience rooms, visitors to the Mission AI exhibition can now experience the key technology of the 21st century there as well.
Three visually stunning dimensions, 33 million pixels of resolution and a high-performance tracking system make Ars Electronica’s Deep Space 8K one of the world’s most exciting digital experience spaces – developed, built and continuously maintained by the Ars Electronica Futurelab. Deep Space EVOLUTION brings several new programs to the public in 2022, as well as…
E-vehicle or public transport? Nuclear power or renewable energy? Lab meat or vegan diet? Urban living or shared rural home? The climate crisis currently challenges us with questions to which there are no easy answers. Alternative concepts await important decisions, and every action we take today has implications far into the future. Wouldn’t it be…