Christopher Lindinger



    Information and Navigation Systems Through Augmented Reality

    INSTAR was a unique new approach to navigation systems (for instance, in autos) that went beyond conventional two-dimensional visualizations and utilized augmented reality.



    The ARSBOX is a PC-based, stereographic, multimedia presentation unit. It has been designed as a form of cross-media infrastructure making it possible to present, develop and manipulate a broad spectrum of media contents.

  • VAI Training Simulator

    VAI Training Simulator

    Virtual reality simulator for a continuous casting plant for industrial steel processing. The project is part of the Ars Electronica Futurelab’s long-standing and successful collaboration with voest alpine Industrieanlagenbau.

  • Humphrey I

    Humphrey I

    Humphrey was no conventional flight simulator. It was a special construction that let users fly through virtual worlds. Unlike conventional flight simulators that simulate “flying a vehicle”, “Humphrey” simulated the flying itself… free as a bird, a Superman or Supergirl.