Friedrich Bachinger

  • Virtual 3D Anatomy Lecture Hall

    Virtual 3D Anatomy Lecture Hall

    World first for medical teaching

    A novel virtual 3D lecture hall connects the Austrian medical universities in Linz and Graz: students can follow lectures on Virtual Anatomy and dissection work in stereoscopic 3D, live and in real-time, from over 200 kilometers away. 

  • FOUNDING LAB Fall Term

    FOUNDING LAB Fall Term

    New Formats for Future Universities

    The FOUNDING LAB Fall Term is a continuation of the FOUNDING LAB collaboration between Austrian university IT:U and Ars Electronica, spanning September 2023 to January 2024. IT:U started its operation in 2023 with the FOUNDING LAB, supported by experts of Ars Electronica including a team of Ars Electronica Futurelab members.

  • missimo


    Mobile STEAM Learning for Kids

    missimo is a project for children aged eight to ten that offers many experiments on topics such as AI, robotics, and programming. The special appeal: missimo visits primary schools in Austria’s rural areas by truck.

  • Faust VR

    Faust VR

    Virtual Dive into Theater History

    The virtual reality application Faust VR combines a digital recreation of the famous “Faust” production by Max Reinhardt from the 1930s with a specially created dramaturgy: It leads visitors through the formative elements of the play in the unique “Faust town”.

  • Open Futurelab 2023

    Open Futurelab 2023

    Social Technology @ Ars Electronica Festival

    Reaching out to one another, spreading hope in trying times and literally grasping technology as a social tool for the futures: this is what the Open Futurelab as part of the Ars Electronica Festival 2023, from September 6 to 10, was all about.

  • AT&S Erlebniswelt

    AT&S Erlebniswelt

    Connect via Interactive Nervous System

    Based in Austria, AT&S is a leading supplier of high-end printed circuit boards and substrates for the semiconductor industry. The company invited the Ars Electronica Futurelab to contribute to the design of the new headquarters – including the installation of an interactive “Nervous System”.

  • Anatomy of Nudging

    Anatomy of Nudging

    Transparent AI for Society

    The installation Anatomy of Nudging aims to involve users in the utilization of artificial intelligence and thus create a trusting relationship with AI. Anatomy of Nudging was the first installation of the Collective Transformation Lab – an enlightening self-reflection platform by the Japanese AI start-up Godot and the Ars Electronica Futurelab.

  • Deep Space 8K EVOLUTION

    Deep Space 8K EVOLUTION

    Three visually stunning dimensions, over 50 million pixels of resolution, and a high-performance tracking system make Ars Electronica’s Deep Space 8K one of the world’s most exciting digital experience spaces – developed, built, and continuously maintained by the Ars Electronica Futurelab.

  • Welcome to Planet B

    Welcome to Planet B

    E-vehicle or public transport? Nuclear power or renewable energy? Lab meat or vegan diet? Urban living or shared rural home? The climate crisis currently challenges us with questions to which there are no easy answers. Alternative concepts await important decisions, and every action we take today has implications far into the future. Wouldn’t it be…

  • Futurelab Day 2022

    Futurelab Day 2022

    Creative Resilience for a Planet B

    In 2022, the Ars Electronica Futurelab once again organized a special “Open Futurelab” program for the general public during the Ars Electronica Festival: The Futurelab Day on September 8, featuring high-level discussions, presentations of the lab’s latest projects, a wide variety of workshops and electrifying artistic performances. The day was themed “Creative Resilience for a…

  • Play the Façade

    Play the Façade

    The façade of the Ars Electronica Center, with its 38,500 LEDs, has been shaping the cityscape of Linz since 2009. Just one year later, the “sprucing up” of this landmark turned into something bigger, something innovative: with the façade terminal, the Ars Electronica Futurelab transformed the static museum shell into a designable medium for the…

  • JKU medSPACE

    JKU medSPACE

    The JKU medSPACE is a completely new, worldwide unique venue for teaching anatomy, located at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz. Developed and implemented by the Ars Electronica Futurelab, the JKU medSPACE shows anatomy like never before, in quadruple stereoscopic 3D 8K projection at 14×7 meters: Lecturers and students dive into larger than life, photorealistic…