kids workshop

  • Coral Bike

    Coral Bike

    NHM on tour

    The Coral Bike is a mobile workshop by the Natural History Museum Vienna that focuses on the importance of and threats to marine forests. The e-bike makes stops in urban parks, where it becomes a mobile learning space for 5th to 8th grade classes: with hands-on science.

  • Bridge 2040

    Bridge 2040

    Bridge 2040 is a card game in which children and senior citizens develop future narratives together, building a bridge between the generations. It is one of the two winning projects of the Ars Electronica Futurelab 2023 internal ideas competition Ideas Expedition. Since its release at the Ars Electronica Festival 2023, it has been used not…

  • Welcome to Planet B

    Welcome to Planet B

    A children’s pop-up book about climate change

    Entirely analog and easy to grasp even for little hands: the new Deep Space 8K application Welcome to Planet B was brought to a child-friendly format for 8- to 12-year-olds in 2022 as part of the Ars Electronica Futurelab’s creative contest Ideas Expedition. The interactive pop-up book is designed to get kids excited about climate…

  • Welcome to Planet B

    Welcome to Planet B

    E-vehicle or public transport? Nuclear power or renewable energy? Lab meat or vegan diet? Urban living or shared rural home? The climate crisis currently challenges us with questions to which there are no easy answers. Alternative concepts await important decisions, and every action we take today has implications far into the future. Wouldn’t it be…

  • NHM Deck 50

    NHM Deck 50

    Participative platform for science communication

    With the aim of using Citizen Science to awaken the researcher’s instinct in visitors and to get the public more involved in the scientific processes in the museum, the Natural History Museum Vienna has developed a new platform for science communication together with the Ars Electronica Futurelab and INSEQ Design: In the new Deck 50,…

  • The Experts of the Future

    The Experts of the Future

    For its 25th anniversary, the young members who have been part of the Futurelab for less than 25 months had the goal to collect opinions from internationally renowned futurologists to collaboratively speculate about possible future narratives in the next 25 years. Their journey to the future even ventured outside of our hemisphere to undiscovered planets.…

  • NHM on tour

    NHM on tour

    The innovative and interactive museum e-bike intends to support the Citizen Science Initiative of the Natural History Museum Vienna (NHM) and was conceptualized and developed in cooperation with the Ars Electronica Futurelab and Inseq Design for the intercontextual knowledge transfer between research and society.

  • Klangwolken ABC

    Klangwolken ABC

    The Klangwolken ABC was initiated as a social participation project, focusing on “character” in the age of networks, constituting one of the core programs at the voestalpine Klangwolke 2012. The audience was invited to design their own characters that could interact with the radio frequencies of the event – resulting in a huge galaxy of…