In order to support the Sisters of Mercy Ried in the development of their health park, a program in think tank format was developed in the Future Thinking School and carried out in November 2021.
“Out of the box” thinking and the development of new, sometimes unconventional approaches is essential to drive innovation in healthcare. That’s why the management decided to hold the kick-off workshop in cooperation with the Future Thinking School; on the one hand, to immerse the participants in the innovative environment of the Ars Electronica Center and, on the other hand, to address digitization topics in terms of content.
Thanks to Ars Electronica’s artistic approach to complex topics such as artificial intelligence, the participants gained new perspectives on digitization issues and new possibilities for communicating digitization topics internally.
The 20 participants represented different areas of the Sisters of Mercy Ried and the Vinzenz Group. They developed numerous ideas and approaches around the most important pillars of the development of the health park. In a next step, these were prioritized internally in order to be further developed in smaller groups.