Deep Space LIVE: BRÜCKENbauen

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Thu Feb 18, 2021, 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
All times are given in Central European Time (CET / UTC +1).

Hardly any other type of structure exerts more influence on its surroundings than bridges. Civil engineer Erhard Kargel has therefore dedicated himself with body and soul to their design. It is not enough for him that his buildings simply “work”. They must also make visible how they do it and enter into a symbiosis with their surroundings. Erhard Kargel succeeds in developing aesthetics from the construction alone. The course of forces is revealed and thus becomes comprehensible. In Deep Space Erhard Kargel will talk about his architecture, which will also be visible from afar.

In cooperation with the Kepler Salon of Johannes Kepler University.