Deep Space LIVE: Artificial intelligence in medicine

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Thu Mar 25, 2021, 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
All times are given in Central European Time (CET / UTC +1).

Whenever artificial intelligence and machine learning are covered in the media, the most important topics are autonomous driving, image manipulation, speech recognition, speech synthesis, chatbots and the like. In contrast, for many people the application of artificial intelligence in medicine is rather an abstract topic. In addition to the best-known successes of artificial intelligence in medicine, such as tumor detection in the context of dermatology, quite a few other procedures are now frequently used without being widely discussed. This could be due to the fact that especially in the field of medicine the resistance against artificial intelligence is greater than in other fields. The subject of this Deep Space LIVE is therefore the characterization of models that are already being used in everyday medical practice, the specific problems that arise from the application of AI and machine learning, and a discussion of the ethical problems that arise from their application.

The speaker Jens Meier, MD, Professor, Dr. med., is the Head of the Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care at the Kepler University Hospital and is the Chair professor of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz. Prof. Meier has conducted several experimental projects in the field of circulation and oxygenation, and he has led several large clinical trials within anesthesiology and intensive care medicine. His current area of research includes bleeding, coagulation, Patient Blood Management, and artificial intelligence and data modeling for the improvement of patient care. His publications have appeared in prestigious peer-reviewed medical journals.



Image credit: Dorin Comaniciu (Siemens Healthcare), Franz Fellner (Radiology Institute AKH Linz, Medical Society Upper Austria), Walter Märzendorfer (Siemens Healthcare)