Experimental: Exhibition Landscapes

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Wed Feb 17, 2021, 5:30 pm - 5:45 pm
All times are given in Central European Time (CET / UTC +1).

With a new experiment through the exhibitions of the Ars Electronica Center: Exhibition Landscapes shows all the screens in landscape format displayed in the Ars Electronica Center’s exhibitions for exactly one second at a time. From the 2nd floor, where AI x Music offers various visualizations of sounds, to the main exhibitions Understanding AI and Global Shift in the 3rd sublevel, the video reveals brief glimpses of the content of all 147 screens in the themed exhibitions. The Open Soundstudio, Mirages & Miracles, the Children’s Research Lab, Deep Space, the Foyer, Citizen Lab, Ars Electronica Labs and the Machine Learning Studio are also part of this journey through the screen formats with the motto: Not 60bpm but 60spm, Screens per Minute.