Concert: 4 Cities

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Tue Nov 3, 2020, 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
All times are given in Central European Summer Time (CEST / UTC +2).

The pianist Suyang Kim and cellist Barbara Körber take you on a musical journey across Anatolia: With Fazıl Says Sonata Dört Şehir (“4 Cities”) for cello and piano, they transform the Ars Electronica Center’s Piano Room into a portal to the composer’s biographical recollections and experiences, spanning from the melancholy tunes of the city of Sivas – inspired by the sounds of the traditional lute instrument saz – to the melodies of a wedding on the Black Sea in Hopa, to the impressions of Ankara and a musically humorous insight into Bodrum’s pubs and bars. Accompanied by visualizations by Christian Philip Berger, an impressive concert will take place on this evening, illustrating the diversity of a country and a composer through emotive pieces.

Visuals: Christian Philip Berger
Piano: Suyang Kim
Cello: Barbara Körber

1. Sivas: Andante moderato tranquillo
2. Hopa: Blacksea Dance, prestissimo
3. Ankara: Andante drammatico
4. Bodrum: “We hear swing while touring in Bodrum’s bar street”