Based on the concept of Cooperative Aesthetics, developed by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerhard Funk, students of Time-based and Interactive Media Art at the University of Arts and Design Linz and Prof. Funk have created 30 artworks for the Deep Space of the Ars Electronica Center since 2015. These projects will now be presented weekly until July 2021 in the course of an Ars Electronica Home Delivery series. Using the lasertracking system of the Deep Space the artworks enable visitors to have a collective, audiovisual, aesthetic experience.
The work Kaleidoscope by Gerhard Funk is a digital hommage to the magical optical instrument. In a first step players leave their traces on the floor projection thus creating the colourful pattern of the kaleidoscope´s sections represented by the triangle on the floor. But this triangle can also be moved to change the image section. Up to three kaleidoscopes can be created and the number of sections can be changed. In a second step, a random picture is projected onto the floor. Representing the sections of the kaleidoscope, the positions of the triangles determine the stunning outcome on the wall.