Ars Electronica Mix: Prix Preview – Category Interactive Art +

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Wed May 20, 2020, 4:30 pm - 5:00 pm
All times are given in Central European Time (CET / UTC +1).
You are welcome to ask questions at any time!
Post your questions on YouTube or call us via Skype: Start call

The Prix Ars Electronica is the most internationally renowned prize for artists working in the fields of science and technology. The roughly 4,000 submissions from more than 100 countries that take part in the competition each year bear witness to the dynamism of international media art. The presentation of the prizewinning projects and artists are a special highlight during the Ars Electronica Festival.

On “Ars Electronica Mix: Prix Preview” Gerfried Stocker, Ars Electronica’s Artistic Director, along with team members and jurors who will be tuned in live give you an insight into the discussions that recently took place during the 2020 Prix Jury Weekend. In this episode we’ll be talking about “Interactive Art +”,

This category is dedicated to interactive works in all forms and formats, from installations to performances. At the top of the agenda is artistic quality in the development and design of the interaction as well as a harmonious dialog between the content level and the interaction level—that is, the inherent principles of interaction and the interfaces that implement them.