Update: recoveriX – stroke rehabilitation with neurotechnology

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Tue Nov 10, 2020, 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm
All times are given in Central European Time (CET / UTC +1).

Every year, millions of people suffer strokes, and a third of those affected sustain permanent physical impairments and damage that cannot be fully rehabilitated by conventional therapies.

That’s why the Ars Electronica Center’s neurotechnology exhibits include medically certified devices such as the BCI recoveriX, which can be used for motor rehabilitation after strokes. As in physical rehabilitation, this requires training, and with recoveriX, imagination is the training weights. To be more precise: You only imagine the movement of your hand. The better you imagine the hand movement, the more clearly the area of the brain responsible for the execution of the action is activated – and after a period of time it can “repair” itself.

To do this you need good imagination, practice and no shyness about neurotechnology. Both visitors and patients can try out this rehabilitation technology at the Ars Electronica Center. Erika Mondria (Supervisor Brain Projects / Ars Electronica) and Martin Španka (contact person for BCI applications / Ars Electronica Center) will show you what this process actually looks like.

Further questions about BCI and neurotechnologies? In this update, the two of them give an introduction and explain the basics: youtu.be/KyAyYaPUdR8
More information about recoveriX can be found here: www.recoverix.at. There you will also find worldwide locations where rehabilitation with recoveriX is possible.