Step into Space / spaceEU, Ars Electronica (AT), ESERO Austria (AT)/Photo: tom mesic

Step into Space

spaceEU, Ars Electronica (AT), ESERO Austria (AT)

This traveling exhibition travels from school to school throughout Austria and is dedicated to the topics of space travel, earth observation, and Austria in space. Consisting of three modules, it can be visited throughout the festival.

Touring Exhibition

The exhibition, titled Step into Space, is divided into the following modules:

Module 1: What We Have Made from Space—How has space exploration affected life on Earth?
This module highlights the impact of space exploration on everyday life on Earth. It features a number of everyday objects that were originally developed for space travel.

Module 2: Through the Lens of Space—How does space exploration allow us to observe our own planet?
We use satellite images to see how our cities are growing, our glaciers are melting, our forests are disappearing and much more.

Module 3: Austria in Space—What is Austria’s contribution to space?
This module introduces the many companies and research institutions in Austria that are dedicated to space. In addition, it shows what is on offer for education and schools.


  • ESERO Austria


    ESERO stands for “European Space Education Resource Office” and is operated in cooperation between the European Space Agency (ESA) and national partners in the individual ESA member states. In Austria, the tenth ESERO opened its doors at the Ars Electronica Center in June 2016.


The exhibition was developed by Ars Electronica in close collaboration with Science Gallery Dublin and Leiden University.
ESERO Austria has updated the travelling exhibition and is now sending it from school to school across Austria.

spaceEU project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under grant agreement No. 821832.