Into the Woods
Engine Studios (TW)

A folklore about people who lost in the woods and taken by spirits of forest. After years, a girl experiences what had happened before at the same place.

Barkley: A Secret Party In THE WAREHOUSE
studio2 Animation Lab (TW)

A stray dog accidentally found the warehouse where Barkley and other cats lived. The curious dog found the cats and began to run after them for fun but Barkley and the cats were frightened by the enthusiastic dog. Thus, they began to ran and chased each other in the warehouse, triggering a domino effect. The shelves and goods fell down one by one. It seemed like they were having a party.

Upload not Complete
Peppercorns Interactive Media Art Co., LTD (TW)

Created by Taiwanese artists Hu, Chin-Hsiang and Tsai Bing-Hua, this piece attempts to use a hybrid reality, LED lights, wearable devices, and fans to build an installation that uploads the human mind to digital space. Imagine that upload process can be seen as virtual objects in real space. When you see the virtual object and feel the influence (wind and vibration), after passing through the upwardly extending tunnel, the screen enters the completely virtual space, but you don’t know whether the upload is completed.

Kuo Hsueh-Hu: Three States of Home Gazing
Oready Innovation LAB (TW)

Kuo Hsueh-Hu is the most important gouache painter in Taiwan and was born in the Dadaocheng area of Taipei. In the year of 1964, Kuo migrated to Japan. Then his eldest son Kuo Song-Fen, who studied in the United States, participated in the Defend the Diaoyu Islands movement, which was then put on the "blacklist". With less time spent together with his own flesh and blood, Kuo’s family then migrated to the United States to reunite in his later years.

Virtual and Physical Media Integration Association of Taiwan (TW)

Bodyless is from director’s childhood memories which depicts the reduction of humanity by military government during the martial law, the colonial culture as well as the digital era into a story beyond reality. A political prisoner becoming a ghost returned to the living world to visit his family, but found out that the house is empty.

The Hollow Sound of Longing
Daata presents Eva Papamargariti
Daata (UK)

Eva Papamargariti's work explores the relationship and construction of the limits between virtual space and material reality, as well as the dynamic dissolution that takes place on the verge of these two “ecosystems.” Her practice delves into issues and themes related to simultaneity, the merging of our surroundings with the virtual, the constant diffusion of fabricated synthetic images that define and fragment our identity as well as the symbiotic procedures and entanglement that take place between humans, nature and technology.


An exploration of ancient genetics and the history of neolithic tombs as featured in NATURE in June 2020 by Trinity College Dublin geneticist Lara Cassidy (IE)

Data Garden - Tour & Talk
​Kyriaki Goni (GR)

Data Garden ​Prerecorded discussion between artist Kyriaki Goni (GR), Prodromos Tsiavos (GR) Head of Digital at The Onassis Foundation, and *TBC,* followed by live recap and audience Q&A on YouTube and Zoom.

INVISIBLE Studio visits with Andy Holden and Thijs Biersteker
Andy Holden (UK) and Thijs Biersteker (NL)

Join us for a behind-the-scenes studio visit with INVISIBLE artists Andy Holden (UK) (INVISIBLE / DARK MATTER) and Thijs Biersteker (NL) (INVISIBLE - Gravitational lensing)


An opportunity to reflect on COVID-19 and its effects on society, and speculate on what comes next. What roles do science, technology and art play here?

Data Garden - Kyriaki Goni - Exhibition
​Kyriaki Goni (GR)

Exhibition Tour & Talk Can anyone think of the future of connectivity beyond surveillance? Is it possible for the bond between human and non-human worlds on this planet to be substituted? Can plants, as organisms on which life itself is dependent, contribute to the creation and adoption of new practices for the mediated reality? Kyriaki Goni’s new multimedia installation investigates this set of questions by recounting a fictitious narrative that contains elements of truth. YouTube Premiere of a pre-recorded exhibition tour with artist Kyriaki Goni, followed by a live discussion between artist Kyriaki Goni (GR), Prodromos Tsiavos (GR) Head of Digital & Innovation at Onassis Foundation, and collaborators of the project

An Online Tour of Dublin’s Tech Infrastructure

Dublin is host to the European headquarters of many of the most powerful and influential tech companies of the modern era, and has become an important strategic location within the context of debates surrounding data sovereignty, privacy and security. By connecting our own personal interactions on digital platforms to the corporate offices in the city centre and to the data centres that surround the city, this tour critically engages with these debates, whilst also reflecting on our relationship with our personal data as it passes through the many visible and invisible networks that surround us.

Axis - Harvesting isolation
Víctor Mazón Gardoqui (ES/DE)

7-day trip from Punta Arenas, 32-hour waiting in front of the Yelcho scientific station Waiting on the high seas for a favorable climatic window to continue sailing, supposes a dislocation of space and time. The parallel 66° 33′ 46″ passes in front of us. A still image exposed to 24 hours of light, on a 360° horizon. The staticity of the sea in the bay of Yelcho. An abrupt and mountainous environment added to the roar of the katabatic winds generates a rupture of perception in scale and distance. The wait. Advancing a small way to the base. Space for registration. The devices -through their sensors- capture the sense of place. A viewing angle of 46° in contrast with the spherical and immersive recording of the hertziosphere, where the alterity of bodies and anthropogenic frequencies in contrast with the autochthonous ones.

Tapatia-Tech-ila- Rhapsody
Paris Alejandro Díaz Miranda (MX)

Tapatía Tech-ila Rhapsody is an audiovisual piece based in Mexican culture and the current accelerated life rhythm; that presents a triad of conceptual frameworks: Past+Present+Future of humanity; Art+Technology+Science as means to re-shape our destiny; and Classical+Folkloric+Contemporary musical identity of a culture/country/society.

Reset-Tech-ila Summit
Secretaría de Innovación, Ciencia y Tecnología del Estado de Jalisco, Majo Castelazo Andre

The agricultural regions are presenting problems to enter the digital reality; at the level of tourism, for the transmission of knowledge and interactivity in a non-physical way, at the same time they represent the change of mentality towards a sustainable and future production.

Liusa Wang presents aaajiao

In this video bot., the artist presents a portrait of memory built on a machine’s assumptions of how people would think a machine interprets the mind. He borrows aesthetics from existing role-playing action games such as Mother3, Adventureland, Undertale, and ROM, to create awareness of our world in 2018 – a perhaps slightly dystopian impression – and to introduce a conception of memory that sets itself apart from present understandings.

Tech-ila Master Craftsman
Oficina de Visitante y Convenciones (OFVC), Cámara Nacional de la Industria del Tequila (CNIT), Zonaga and Mad Machina

The master class is an approach to the materials, hands and stories behind each Tequila Máster "artisan", a product made by years of history and essence accompanied by new technological resources that will make understanding the future of How do we produce, transmit and collect culture? How do we create ancestral products for the future? How do we mold our worldview into an object?

MindSpaces Residency Artists
Haseeb Ahmed (US), Sarah Derat (FR), Emanuel Gollob (AT), Emmanuel Van der Auwera (BE), João Martinho Moura (PT), Michael Sedbon (FR)

These interviews will discuss the work of the artists throughout their MindSpaces residency. They will present their work so far and their collaboration with the technical partners of the MindSpaces consortium.

Citizens' Think-in on Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is playing a growing role in our lives. Machine learning tools help determine the ads you see online, the news you read and the products you purchase. Every time we send a text, use a credit card or sync a wearable device we are sharing personal information about ourselves. But what are the social consequences of AI? How is our information being used? Who is setting the policies and regulation? And how can AI affect our privacy and civil liberties?

Austrian Cultural Forum Tokyo (JP)

(Re)Visit Japan on a tour through a digital gallery with 100+ artworks created by artists from Austria.