Ars Electronica Garden

Dialogue#3 – demystifying technology
HKU University Of The Arts Utrecht (NL)
Dialogue#3 is about demystifying technology. Technology is often a black box. We have no clue what is inside the equipment we use every day. In some cases, there is even no way to open the tools we use so frequently. In what ways can we hack the technology we encounter and use every day and all day and can we give a new or different use and meaning to it? What do we learn from this process and about the way things are made and maybe should be made?

Dialogue#2 – imagining tomorrow
HKU University Of The Arts Utrecht (NL)
Dialogue#2 is called imagining tomorrow. Nobody can deny our world is in a huge transition. We live in an age of uncertainty where we are forced to rethink basically every aspect of our society from the personal to the governmental to the spiritual. We discuss with artists how they look at the responsibility of creatives when it comes to changing the world. And, is it just about exposing the problems we face or can you do more as an artist?

Dialogue#1 – data driven art
HKU University Of The Arts Utrecht (NL)
The dialogues are moderated sessions to have a more in depth look at and discussion on the underlying themes of the works at the exhibition. Dialogue#1 is about data driven art. With artists involved in the exhibition we discuss the need to make the invisible world behind technology in our society visible.

Online Exhibition NEW CONNECTIONS
HKU University Of The Arts Utrecht (NL)
The opening night will feature several live performances all related to the theme “new connections”. This for example by revisiting and passing on music traditions through electronic means, new tactile electronic instruments and an AV show performed by live coding artists.

CINETic Residencies
Kıvanç Tatar (CA/TR), João Tragtenberg (BR), Saint Machine (RO), Leonard Nicola Hein & Claudia Schmitz (US/DE)
Due to COVID travel restrictions, the program for residencies that was supposed to take place at CINETic, has moved to an online collaborative program. Four artists around the world collaborated with CINETic researchers and artists. The talk with the online residents will focus on the experience of developing work for online interactions in a long-distance collaborative process.

Distant Art
National University for Theatre and Film IL Caragiale Bucharest (RO)
Distant Art is an open-air exhibition of interactive installations and online works developed by digital artists and students during and after the lockdown experience. Art practice struggled to find its own path in the times of limited direct contact. Telematic presence became a must for most forms of expression, creating A Distant Art.

Postmasters presents Nicola Verlato, Donato Piccolo and Kristin Lucas
Paulina Bebecka - Postmasters Gallery, PostmastersROMA, Rome (IT)
In the current uncertain climate of physical disconnection, hyper digital connection and distortion of life as we know it, I wanted to express that humanity is still at the very core of our increasingly technological experience on earth. The chosen artists bring about an examination of reality and the need to cherish our humanity through various digital media, such as artificial intelligence, 3D scanning, 3D gaming software, generative 360 WebXR animation, drones, and techno.

Workshop: Solidarity Through Sound and Time
Ivana Dama and Clinton Van Arnam
In this workshop, participants would have the unique chance to reconsider their ideas of what constitutes sound and music compositions. Throughout the day we are exposed to countless amounts of sounds and noises, but it is only valuable if we can isolate these specific sounds and separate their relationship from emory to their pure tonal structure.

Tree of/and Life
Center for Urban History of East-Central Europe, Lviv, Ukraine (UA)
The film tells the story of a craftsman's creativity and his connection to a tree that extracts an invisible form from a material substance. The act of creating by a human being is subject to the power of the substance that governs the carver independently determining the result. The subjectivity of nature is also manifested in the film through chemical damage - images and memory are absorbed and disappear behind the veil.

Workshop: Pinecone Hygrometer, Seed Dispersal, and Fire Ecology
Helen Huang
In this lecture we will explore how seeding of plants respond to environmental triggers like fire and humidity changes. We will also learn some basic concepts in scientific research and how we can sense our environment through the observation of the plants around us.

Workshop: Psychobiotonic: Microbiome Anthropothagy
Clarissa Ribeiro
Imagine a fictional scenario in which you can choose one personality to ‘embody’ a time having access to encapsulated microbiome samples (mixed cultures i.e. microbial associations or communities) of donors that have specific personality types. “Transplanting the Self: microbiome anthropophagy” (2018-present) is a reflection on the limits of microbiome manipulation inviting the online audience to become ‘personality donors’ in a collaborative performance.

Workshop: Sidewalk Herbarium
Alvaro Azcarraga with Terry Huang
We will be reconnecting with our local environments by collecting and identifying plant specimens from your neighborhood/sidewalk.

Future from the past: imaginations on the margins
Center for Urban History of East-Central Europe, Lviv, Ukraine (UA)
The Center for Urban History will make video journeys to two places, which are located in rural areas but reflect urban imagination. We will travel to the Center for Space Research and Communication of the National Center for Space Management and Testing of the State Space Agency of Ukraine.

Performance and Workshop: Calming the Sea - Sketch 2b
Christoph Killian, UCLA ArtSci Center Artist in Residence
We will play with multichannel near-simultaneity, exploiting transmission latencies and temporal offsets, experiencing destructive and constructive interferences, – overlapping, amplification and extinction of waves in a global disconcert.

Tour: If You Hold the Stone Hold it in Your Hand - COVID19 Data Sculptures
Clarissa Ribeiro
LIVE: Data-Driven Algorithmic Design and 4-axes CNC Carving After a short talk sharing a few aspects of the poetics focusing on algorithmic design, we invite the online audience for a lab visit and we will set up a 4-axis CNC to carve one of the data-sculptures live.

This is Sónar+D
Sónar+D – Sónar Festival's creative technologies conference – is an international congress exploring how creative minds are changing our present and imagining new futures, in collaboration with researchers, innovators and business leaders from all sectors and industries.

Claudia Jacques and Victoria Vesna
This workshop will introduce you to a variety of issues around water bodies around the world. Participants will develop and add their stories and / or artwork or scientific research related to a stream, lake, sea, ocean. Communities will form around specific water bodies that will become guardians and share up to date information about the status.

Workshop: Mycelial Landscapes: How Fungi Shape the World and Take the Shape of the Future
Kaitlin Bryson
This workshop explores the incredible world of fungi from their ecology to their biochemistry and explores how these amazing organisms shape and make the world around us. We will also learn about how we can work with fungi helping them take shapes and forms for building sustainable futures. We will do a simple exercise of making mycelium hands to stretch our notions of touch and physicality during the time of the pandemic.

Workshop: Data Garden
Eli Joteva and Zeynep Abes
In this workshop you will learn the art of photogrammetry, volumetric collage and shared virtual spaces.

Workshop: Follow the Fibers: Weaving as a Method of Inquiry
Monica LoCascio, Artist and Member of ArtSci Collective
Fascia and Mycelium through the lens of Anni Albers and weaving