The History of Dark Matter Retold
Adeyemi Michael
Dark Matter by Adeyemi Michael It was during the DARK MATTER exhibition in Science Gallery London that History of Dark Matter Retold was conceptualised. Scientist and actress Laura-Joy Pieters collaborated with director Adeyemi Michael to produce a film that portrayed Laura’s birth and heritage. When speaking about what she wished to communicate with the film, Laura expressed that “The achievements of black women are all around us and are present throughout history, yet they are rarely ever seen or acknowledged, much like the nature of the elusive dark matter”.
Guided virtual tour of Popa Nan neighborhood of H3 Studio
A guided live tour of H3 Studio and surroundings, situated in a special part of Bucharest that was on the periphery in the early 20th century and is a place of real estate development in 2020. The urban landscape combines residential houses from the early 20th century with factories and warehouses, communist blocks of flats with new residential and office buildings, in a space trying to find its identity for more than a hundred years.
H3 Garden tour
A tour of H3 Garden in Bucharest, home of before detach () exhibition that will take place outside, at dawn, among the silhouettes of buildings about to perish. The final countdown of this place is imagined through light installations that will instil a final outburst of life.
Creative Question Challenge: Can unheard signals inspire change?
Siobhán McDonald (IE), Chris Bean (IE), Adriaan Eeckels (BE)
"Lasst uns beenden, was wir begonnen haben." Auf diese Weise stellt die UNO ihr erstes Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung vor - das Ende der Armut in allen Formen und Dimensionen bis 2030. Die 17 Ziele der Nachhaltigen Entwicklung und ihre 169 Teilziele wurden als ein ausuferndes, missverständliches Durcheinander großer Absichten beschrieben. Allein der Titel der Entwicklungsagenda - "Unsere Welt umgestalten" - verströmt utopische Ambitionen. Er wurde 2015 von 193 Nationen angenommen. Fünf Jahre später und mit zehn verbleibenden Jahren: Wie wird sich unsere Welt verändern?
Symposium “Perspektiven politischer Bildung”
Arbeiterkammer OÖ (AT), Pädagogische Hochschule OÖ (AT)
Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) bzw. Artificial Intelligence (AI) ist allgegenwärtig, ohne dass wir sie immer bewusst wahrnehmen. Sie erleichtert uns schon viele Jahre den Alltag, wenn beispielsweise das Handy mittels Gesichtserkennung entsperrt wird oder uns individuelle Werbung durch das Dickicht des Internets steuert. KI kann uns Menschen manipulieren.
Transculturalism: The Space in Between
Amelia Jones, Krzysztof Wodiczko, Behnaz Farahi
In this panel discussion Amelia Jones (USC); Krzysztof Wodiczko (Harvard GSD), Behnaz Farahi (CSULB) are discussing "Transculturalism: The Space in Between". As utopian fantasies of "global" interconnectedness fade on relation to a global pandemic and burgeoning nationalisms, it is important to develop strategies to foster a sense of inclusion and overcome a culture of exclusion. This panel discussion addresses what role might art and design play to maintain a sense of transculturalism and how they might allow us to see things differently.
Complex Thoughts Lab
In the post-coronavirus scenario, The Complex Thoughts Lab invites to think outside the box to put together a model of the new world after COVID-19. Are we willing to rethink our nature, the concept of well-being? Will we be able to commit ourselves to bequeath a better world to future generations? The students share ideas to build a world model facing the next generations and transforming the Covid-19 crisis into an opportunity.
Panel: Surveillance, Gaze and Ways of Seeing
Lauren McCarthy, Memo Akten, Behnaz Farahi
In this panel discussion, Behnaz Farahi, Lauren Lee Carthy and Memo Akten are discussing the notion of "gaze", "ways of seeing" and "surveillance" in the context of this group exhibition.
Krzystof Wodiczko, Behnaz Farahi, Memo Akten, Lauren Lee McCarthy (US)
This exhibition examines how different strategies of the ‘gaze’ could be used to undermine various forms of power structure and promote different forms of resistance. It does so by displaying either exhibits illustrating the gaze and voices of marginalized groups, or projects exploring how literal masks might hide or reveal identities. The idea is to use art and technology in combination with critical thinking to convey a powerful political message.
Q&A with Man & Wah
Moderated by independent curator and creative director working in the field of digital/new media arts, Lubi Thomas (AU/UK), this live Q&A event will explore the creative practice and process of artists Man & Wah. Covering topics of nature, the cosmos, information and interdisciplinary artistic practice, Man & Wah will respond to live questions alongside a discussion with Lubi about their narrative video piece, CELESTON, and physical exhibition at Museum of Brisbane.
Man & Wah: Artist Studio Profile
Working within the breadth of nature and the cosmos, the Marco and Micro, Man & Wah (AU) produce lush and alluring photographic, moving image, digital and installation based works. Collaborating with a diverse range of people on projects across the globe, they explore the depths of place through local flora; ultimately illuminating synergies between the limits of the man-made and vastness of natural systems and structures. This video follows the artists’ creative process and explores the places they forage for inspiration and meaning. Created in collaboration with photographer and filmmaker Charlie Hillhouse (AU), this studio profile gives insight into the forces that drive Man & Wah to continue to compel audiences to reflect on the phenomenal complexity of plants and the endless possibilities of interconnectedness.
Keynote Lecture: Tree Conservation and Genetics
Victoria Sork, UCLA Dean of Life Sciences, Director of Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Gardens
CyberRäuber (DE)
With the public rehearsals ending, the work will premiere in September 2020 at Ars Electronica Festival, in front of an audience that can join the performance via livestream.
Scratch-Introduction: Rocket launch!
You can`t get to space without the help of computers – so here’s an introduction for children (10-14 years) who want to learn programming. Via the free online platform Scratch we will animate an interactive rocket launch.
A sketchnote-workshop online - our experience
Participatory workshops with students offer exciting new perspectives for scientific communication, but what happens when they have to be done remotely? In this online seminar we will explore the challenges and opportunities provided by shifting a Sketchnote workshop with students to an online format.
Space in the classroom? - It's not rocket science!
Everybody loves space, but how can teachers include space topics in class? This online seminar offers simple experiments as supplements to “normal” STEM-lessons and introduces extracurricular learning centers that offer deeper dives.
Live Program of Telluric Vibrations, UCLA Botanical Gardens – Los Angeles
Enjoy the extensive live Program of Telluric Vibrations, UCLA Botanical Gardens – Los Angeles
Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei (DE)
Umweltverschmutzung ist eine der kritischsten Umweltherausforderungen unserer Zeit. Um sie zu bewältigen, müssen alle daran beteiligt werden. Das ACTION Lab bietet die Möglichkeit, sich an innovativen bürgerwissenschaftlichen Projekten zu beteiligen, die sich nicht nur mit der Umweltverschmutzung befassen, sondern im Rahmen des Projekts ACTION auch Citizen-Science-Projekte partizipativer, integrativer und bürgerorientierter gestalten wollen.
Bioplastics and the New Materiality of Waste
Idil Akdos (NO)
Wie entsorgen wir neue Materialien sicher? Das Team von CitiComPlastic untersucht, wie Abfälle aus Biokunststoff sicher in Kompost umgewandelt werden können. Diskutieren Sie mit ihnen, wie neue Materialien und Umweltprobleme zusammenhängen und wie wir unsere Praktiken, Strukturen, Richtlinien und Perspektiven ändern müssen, um diese Frage anzugehen.
Schools and the Science of Air Pollution
Sonja Grossberndt (NO)
Gemeinsam mit Lehrer*innen und Schüler*innen zeigt uns das Team von NILU, wie man preiswerte Luftqualitätssensoren herstellt und sie am besten zur Erforschung der Luftqualität einsetzt.