A Fungus Garden

A Fungus Garden Manifesto (2020)

Museo del Hongo community

Freitag, 11. September 2020, 20:45 - 21:15
Alle Termine werden in der Mitteleuropäischen Sommerzeit (MESZ / UTC+2) angegeben.
Ars Electronica Gardens Channel
Spanish with English subtitles

Dieser Text ist nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar.

Round Table
How would a fungus-only garden look like? A fungus garden Manifesto calls upon the local community of mycophiles that have collaborated within Museo del Hongo throughout its history. Converging perspectives from a variety of disciplines and research, in this round table we bring together ideas on how can we shape a sustainable, mycocentric future.

Participants: Nicolás Oyarce, Giuliana Furci, Rodrigo Arteaga, Camila Marambio, Carola Roa, Rosario Ureta, Claudia Müller, Sebastián González, Constanza Güell, José Bidegain
Moderators: Ana Rosa Ibáñez (CL), Juan Ferrer (CL)


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Museo del Hongo
Museo del Hongo is an unconventional museum space dedicated to resignify the Fungi Kingdom. Through the combination of contemporary art practice and scientific research, we design immersive experiences in which a variety of interdisciplinary works are displayed, raising awareness on the ecological relevance of Fungi and encouraging its research by any of its dimensions; biotechnological, aesthetical, gastronomical, medicinal, among many others. www.museodelhongo.cl