Future Life. Interferences, Alterations, Changes.

Future Life Exhibition

Curated by: Karin Ohlenschläger

Mittwoch, 9. September 2020, 17:30 - 17:45
Alle Termine werden in der Mitteleuropäischen Zeit (MEZ / UTC+1) angegeben.
Ars Electronica Voyages Channel
in Spanish and English

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Marco Barotti (I), Clams, interactive installation, 2019

The Clams sculptures are made from recycled industrial plastic waste. The art work intends to raise awareness about water and plastic pollution.

Disnovation.org (F), Online Culture Wars (in collaboration with Baruch Gottlieb, 2018/19; The Persuadables), video, 2019

This cartography offers a representation of online ideological and political frictions, integrated into the visual system of a Political Compass meme, a model used to classify or organize political ideologies in various dimensions.

Quimera Rosa (ES/F), Trans*Plant: May the Chlorophyll Be With/In You, mix-media installation, work in progress since 2016

Trans*Plant is involved in the current debates surrounding the Anthropocene from a perspective not based on “human exceptionalness and methodological individualism” (D. Haraway)

Anna Ridler (GB), Mosaic Virus, GANs generated video installation, 2019

This video draws historical parallels from “tulip-mania” that swept across Netherlands and Europe in the 1630s to currently ongoing speculation around crypto-currencies.

Robertina Sebjanic (SI) & Gjino Sutic (HR), aqua_forensic, installation, 2018

aqua_forensic is focused on the invisible “monsters” present in water, residues of pharmaceutical chemical pollutants and other chemicals derived from human consumption.


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