Point Nemo Garden

Noumen Point at Szczytnicki Park

WRO Art Center team (PL)

Donnerstag, 10. September 2020, 12:30 - 12:40
Alle Termine werden in der Mitteleuropäischen Sommerzeit (MESZ / UTC+2) angegeben.
Ars Electronica Gardens Channel
in English and Polish

Dieser Text ist nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar.

Video documentation of the meeting accompanied with author’s introduction to the topic of Noumen sound universe. The event was organized at the Szczytnicki Park close to the plane tree, an example of Wrocław’s long-time signature species.

This specific tree, initially the main element of the E.D.E.N. – Ethical Duration Ecology Nature installation by Olga Kisseleva, is currently a reference point for the sound work Noumen by Paweł Janicki. During this experience together with the audience, we investigated how social distancing affects the sound environment.


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