
Boris Shershenkov: Short glimpse through the curtain (2020)

Mittwoch, 9. September 2020, 14:00 - 15:00
Alle Termine werden in der Mitteleuropäischen Sommerzeit (MESZ / UTC+2) angegeben.

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This is a Russian term which means greenhouses but they hold a connotation of hot closed space for plants, mostly southern such as tomatoes. Because of the cold climate and less natural light in Saint Petersburg we need to create an artificial climate for growing most plants. On this path we visit artists at their homes; explore indoor gardening; autonomous existence; creating gardens for spaceships and any other types of „capsuled“ life.

Boris Shershenkov (RU)

Short glimpse through the curtain (2020)

„Short glimpse through the curtain“ is the aided look through the window curtain hiding the last reminder of the physical world left outside the screen during quarantine, the video documentation of the element of self-similar set of self-isolation as survival strategy.

The quasi-random process of city channel water ripple captured inside the video frame is demodulated into a sound ripple of receiving channel in the custom instrument of Videovox type which use the Soviet audiovisual technologies of the early 80s. These technologies often arose as a result of borrowing foreign developments and were kind of glimpse through the Iron Curtain. But in the USSR they developed according to their own special laws, which left an imprint on the technical artifacts of the past.

The chaos of microevents, inaccessible for analysis, when the focus changes, merges into a single superstructure. This structure hides each individual event, but creates the illusion of the harmony of its own nature, and then disintegrates, leaving an endless space of possibilities for its interpretation.


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