Agora Digitalis

State of Online Communities

Carla Zamora, Indiara Di Benedetto, Tiia Suorsa, Iosune Sasarate, Smirna Kulenović, Vicky Michalopoulou, Artemis Gryllaki, Rita Graça

Freitag, 11. September 2020, 13:30 - 15:00
Alle Termine werden in der Mitteleuropäischen Zeit (MEZ / UTC+1) angegeben.
Livestream | Hauptplatz 6, Strafsachengallery

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COCO-lands – Carla Zamora, Tiia Suorsa, Indiara Di Benedetto, Smirna Kulenovic, Iosune Sasarae, (University of Art and Design Linz, AT)

COCO-lands is an online platform showing multimedia diaries by various international artists, who reflected their personal state of isolition during the COVID-19 lockdown.


Happy 365 – Vicky Michalopoulou, (Université Paris 8, FR)

Happy 365 is an interactive digital performance on social media. It was created by Vicky Michalopoulou as an observation of both the sudden and rapid availability of recorded theatrical performances on the internet and the increase of live-streaming events during the confinement of the Coronavirus pandemic. It is based on Samuel Beckett’s theatrical play Happy Days, where the main character, Winnie, is trapped in a hole in the wilderness, doomed to a repetitive, restricted routine.


Syster Papyri Magicae – Artemis Gryllaki, (Willem de Kooning Academy, Piet Zwart Institute, Rotterdam, NL)

Syster Papyri Magicae is a web-based project that unfolds the phenomenon of gender exclusions in male-dominated tech environments, aiming to discuss and activate feminist practices that respond to this issue.


Networks of Care – Rita Graça, (Willem de Kooning Academy, Piet Zwart Institute, Rotterdam, NL)

This project offers a collection of user guidelines for you to browse, dissect and analyse. Delve into the conversations with different community members and find useful templates, resources, and experiments. Let’s explore the networks of care generated together.


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