Public Symposium: How and Why Artworks Feel?
MindSpaces (EU) and MindSpaces (HK)
Key contributors to MindSpaces EU and MindSpaces HK will present their research in the framework of Horizon2020 MindSpaces/S+T+Arts research project.
Art in Labs
School of Creative Media, CityU. SCM faculty
Art in Labs will be introduced by the Dean of the School of Creative Media, CityU. SCM faculty stage their latest projects.
VoV Workshop: Making Art from the Brain to the Blockchain
Participating “Brain Workers” are invited to create their VoV token by shaping values through neurodesign in the Brain Factory. VoVs are immaterial assets, as well as brain-designed 3D models. Brain Workers propose reifications of the abstract models as artworks. This is how they start to make sense out of a frozen value.
Newcastle Garden CQC Session 2: The invisible and inner Ecology
Louisa Magrics (AU), Andrew Lloyd (AU)
This session will address themes of nuclear medicine, epidemiology, biological art and nano art. How can artists play an important role in making the invisible visible?
Newcastle Garden CQC Session 1: Re-indigeni(z)ing Ecology
Rewa Wright (NZ), Daryn McKenny (AU)
The first CQC session kicks off with important indigenous perspectives on ecology past, present and future. Traditional knowledge and stories are not locked in the past, but have the power to inform present and future ways of living. What perspectives and approaches can indigenous knowledge offer the planet as we move toward the future?
Collective Curated Exhibtions I: On the Road, Young Media Artists in China
A collaborative project between SCm/CityU HK and Guan Shang Yue Museum of Art, Shenzhen, presenting 50 installations by 35 artists; which involved 15 curators, art critics and scholars from China and Hong Kong. It provided an overview of the media art scene across China today, and demonstrated how young Chinese artists are exploring and combining both older and ‘newer’ media to new ends.
Ars Electronicas Garden Newcastle: We Guide You Tour
University of Newcastle (AU), FASTLab (AU), Art Thinking Australia (AU)
A tour of the Ars Electronica Garden Newcastle that focuses on the overarching theme of Ecology that spans both the natural and artificial world. Inspired by the Ars Electronica We Guide You format, the tour also provides a unique lens into the Newcastle culture.
Solo Exhibition III: Maurice Benayoun – Introduction to Value of Values
Maurice Benayoun (FR/HK)
Morphogenesis of Values (MOV) video reveals the stakes and objectives of the VoV project and the outcomes for the coming show in 2021. MOV is developed from VoV, transactional neuro-design art project that provokes questions of human values with relation to art, philosophy, poetry, ethics, the environment and surveillance. It resonates with how we will define human goals in a post-pandemic world.
Solo Exhibition IV: Tobias Klein – Metamorphosis or Confrontation
Tobias Klein (GE/HK)
This film is a short documentary of the solo exhibition Metamorphosis or Confrontation of the German artist Tobias Klein at the Hong Kong University Museum and Art Gallery. The documentary is structured as the exhibition in four parts with an introduction. Bones, Masks, Mutations and Forces are the chapters and provide a detailed insight into the various curatorial strategies - making the diversity in the artist's work visible.
Thematic Curated Exhibtions I: Leonardo Da Vinci – Art & Science. Then & Now
Isabelle Jennifer Frank (US/HK)
To commemorate the 500th anniversary of the artist’s death, this exhibition presents original drawings by Leonardo da Vinci from the Pinacoteca and Biblioteca Ambrosiana. The drawings are accompanied by five machines modeled on Leonardo’s designs, and by the works of contemporary artists – most of them faculty at SCM CityU HK – reflecting on Leonardo’s persistent legacy and influence into the digital age.
Opening of Ars Electronica Garden Newcastle
University of Newcastle (AU), FASTLab (AU), Art Thinking Australia (AU)
Official opening of BIOMES & Ars Electronica Newcastle Garden 2020.
WADS (↑ ← → ↓) Exhibition in Mozilla Hub
WADS, a digital garden of commoning formed by 21 local artists, sets out to explore the potential of digital hubs as grounds of artistic and technological co-creation. The digital exhibition is created and experienced in the online environment of Mozilla Hubs and will be accessible through the Ars Electronica Digital Platform.
Solo Exhibition II: Tamás Waliczky – Imaginary Cameras
Tamás Waliczky (HU/HK)
From Hong Kong to the Hungarian Pavilion at the 2019 Venice Biennale, Waliczky revisits technologies in a non-linear history of the moving image.
Solo Exhibition I: Jeffrey Shaw – WYSIWYG
Jeffrey Shaw (AU//HK)
A major retrospective of Shaw’s classic and new artworks. The show spans the prolific career of the Visionary Pioneer of Media Art (Golden Nica 2018).
Refik Anadol (TR/US), MoBen / CityU HK
DïaloG is an urban media art installation developed by Maurice Benayoun (MoBen/CityU HK) and Refik Anadol (AnalogNative). In the public space (L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain) two “living” entities face each other. They don’t look like the living beings we know. They don’t speak any language we know. They are aliens, strangers, immigrants. Facing each other they gradually mutate. They seem to react to their environment. Even more, they clearly desperately try to understand each other.
Random Seed: Using Gardening as a Metaphor for Machine Learning in a Creative Practise
Anna Ridler (UK), Caroline Sinders (US) , Oisin Mac Aodha (IE)
Can we do the same with less - AI in 64 Kb
Philippe Esling (FR)
This hands-on workshop for the AIxMusic Hackathon by Philippe Esling (FR) introduces techniques for lightweight AI, demonstration of embedded technologies and a 64 Kb competition for an AIxMusic hackathon project challenging the current limits of AI and inspired by the Demoscene and the 64Kb competitions.
The Wandering Mind
slow immediate (CN/US)
Does the Earth dream? Can our dreams mesh? In “The Wandering Mind," the pervasive sensing, fiber and neural networks covering our planet meet us in our sleep, drawing source material from vast online stores of field recordings and sensor data. For this year’s festival, we ask our AI to dream in the sounds of water and currents, retelling the myth of Tiamat, the sea mother whose life takes a tragic turn when her rebellious children seek power. The story mirrors our modern relationship with Earth’s oceans.
AI Creative Agents: The Man I Love
Hervé Sellin (FR), Remi Fox (FR)
The Musical Representations team in the STMS laboratory at IRCAM is working on "cyber-human" systems. Just as cyber-physical systems create a continuity between the digital logic of computers and the physical world by capturing, modeling, and modifying it, they establish a creative continuity between machines and musicians using mathematical modeling and artificial intelligence.
Hong Kong Escape Views
Maurice Benayoun (FR/HK)
Hong Kong Escape Views, Interactive installation, 360 videos. High-Res video panoramas of Hong Kong reveal the unseen.