Social Media

Instagram Tour: And Say the Animal Responded
Our current exhibition presents work by six international artists who have captured animal voices and gestures through the use of human technology.

Quadrature (DE)
Audiovisual installation, developed with local (citizen) science and astronomy community during an Art-and-Science Residency at the Medialab of Tabakalera, Spain.

Tabakalera San Sebastian and Ars Electronica Linz
Tabakalera (ES)
Tabakalera is celebrating together with Ars Electronica its 5 years celebration. This installation will be the centerpiece of the program to celebrate the fifth anniversary, during the weekend of Sept. 11 and 12.

During the Ars Electronica Festival visitors in Linz will be transported virtually to Luxembourg to explore the exhibition ANYWHERE by Mary-Audrey Ramirez in Esch-Belval. Through an interactive multimedia experience and real-life online game, the Festival public will be able to discover sections of a retired blast furnace at the site of a former steel plant in Esch

Dresden’s Future Food. Zero Waste Edition – To the Last Crumb
No idea what to do with old bread or the leaves of radish? In three short tutorials, learn how to prepare a delicious starter, main course and dessert by using seasonal and regional ingredients. Part of the Deutsche Hygiene-Museum’s digital “Future Food. What will we eat tomorrow?” program. In cooperation with Commerzbank Foundation.

Virtual tour through the exhibition “Future Food. What will we eat tomorrow?”
Visitors can virtually explore the special exhibition Future Food. What will we eat tomorrow? that is held at the Deutsche Hygiene-Museum Dresden from May 2020 to Feb 2021. The exhibition takes up on one of the most urgent questions of the 21st century: how can we create the future of food facing the global challenges?

How do regional food systems work?
In times of multiple crises, the issue of food security is vividly debated. The panel discussion addresses opportunities and challenges of regional food production and supply with a focus on Dresden, Saxony.

THE WILD STATE: State of Intimacy
Fabrizio Lamoncha Martinez (ES)
This unique exhibition reflects, in many respects, the diversity of the international Interface Cultures students group. Many of the students’ art and technology projects seem to encourage us to consider new collective values. We hope you’ll be inspired and alerted by their intimate, artistic, socially engaged, technical informed or critical views on our life over the last half year.

THE WILD STATE: Sound Campus
Enrique Tomás (ES)
Sound Campus is a new program especially oriented towards examining the state of experimental sound practices at universities and research centers. It opens a possibility for students and researchers to present new forms of understanding sonic art to the big audience of Ars Electronica Festival. This year’s program, curated by Enrique Tomás, presents uneasy sound performances resonating in the face of a critical present. Intrusive music touching us despite lockdowns.

Julia Nüßlein (DE), Davide Bevilacqua (IT)
The exhibition “The Wild State: networked” seeks to leave the state of uncertainty behind us by bringing some of the most recent and interesting contributions to the Hauptplatz in Linz. We are delighted to present works by Master and PhD-students, touching on topics related to the truly “Wild State” we are currently in, and the natural processes related to it. – A tour through the exhibition with the curators Julia Nüßlein (DE) and Davide Bevilacqua (IT)

The Wild State
THE WILD STATE is the title of this year’s Kunstuniversität Campus activities at Hauptplatz Linz during Ars Electronica Festival 2020 from 9. – 13. September 2020. Existing since 2002, the intention of the Campus format is to invite outstanding international universities working in the academic fields of media arts and design. This year with an exhibition with contributions by various partner universities, as well as the departments Interface Cultures, Visual Communication, Fashion&Technology, Art Education, and Design: Tech.Tex. Special events comprise façade projection “Interfacing Hauptplatz”, the Internet flea market “Yami-ichi”, discursive format “Agora Digitalis” and the top notch nightline “Sound Campus”.