
Keynote Janina Loh
Janina Loh (DE), Thomas Matzner
Loh’s research interests lie in the field of trans- and posthumanism (espe- cially critical posthumanism), robot ethics, feminist philosophy of technology, responsi- bility research, Hannah Arendt, theories of judgement, and ethics in the sciences.

Uncanny Agents
Gunter Lösel, Pamela Scorzin, Anna Bromley, Marcus Burkhard
Moderation: Marcus Burkhard

Keynote Thomas Macho
Thomas Macho (AT), Gloria Meynen
Since 2016 Thomas Macho has been director of the International Research Centre for Cultural Studies (IFK) at the University of Art and Design Linz in Vienna. In 2019 he was awarded the Sigmund Freud Prize for scholarly prose by the Ger- man Academy for Language and Poetry, and in 2020 the Austrian State Prize for Cultural Journalism.

A staged conversation
Ann Cotten, Gloria Meynen
Moderation: Gloria Meynen

Inside Festival: Roger de Weck / Renata Schmidtkunz / Gerfried Stocker
Roger de Weck, author and publicist, Renata Schmidtkunz, journalist, in conversation with Gerfried Stocker, artistic director of Ars Electronica.

Inside Festival: Lorena Jaume Palasì / Gerfried Stocker
Lorena Jaume Palasi, founder of the Ethical Tech Society, in conversation with Gerfried Stocker, artistic director of Ars Electronica.

AIxDemocracy by IMPAKT: Radicalization by Design
Richard Rogers (US/NL), Bharath Ganesh (US/NL), Marc Tuters (CA/NL), Arjon Dunnewind (NL)
Social media platforms are feeding the raw material of youth culture directly into the nationalist populist insurgency that is currently sweeping through the planet. Evoking the fear of an existential enemy at the gates of Fortress Europe – or more often, an enemy within – this new political style is especially successful in the online culture wars. Radicalization by Design will discuss the question of whether our media are radicalizing us. In connecting us, are social media also tearing us apart? How do trolls, conspiracy theories, memes and fringe platforms impact politics today? The panel discusses issues of freedom of speech, extreme speech and deplatforming.

STARTS Prize Ceremony 2020
Once a year, Ars Electronica, Bozar and Waag award the STARTS Prize to outstanding artists and scientists on behalf of the European Commission. Watch the ceremony with this years STARTS Prize winners.

Inside Festival
The Inside Festival series focuses on the research and work of different guests with regard to the festival topics democracy and autonomy. Among the guest are Joanna Bryson, Lorena Jaume Palasì and Renata Schmidtkunz who will discuss with Gerfried Stocker, the artistic director of Ars Electronica.

Kepler's Garden Tours
The projects presented within the Garden exhibitions at JKU promote the interplay between arts, research and industry/design, as represented by a group of selected artworks that pick up and play with the garden metaphor, the Lit Projects – in which JKU presents an array of their latest research – and the STARTS exhibition, which shows fascinating and prizewinning projects in the fields of creativity and innovation.

Inside Festival: Festivals in times of COVID-19
The pandemic has also posed new challenges for the cultural sector. In this live talk, representatives of the Sónar Festival from Barcelona, the MUTEK Festival from Montreal and Ars Electronica will discuss what festivals can and will look like in the era of Covid-19.

Leonardo Publishing & Mentoring Workshop
Danielle Siembieda, Erica Hruby, Sheila Pinkel
Leonardo/the International Society for Arts, Sciences and Technology (Leonardo/ISAST) is a global enterprise think-tank creating inroads to imagine a better world, regenerate hope for humanity and achieve breakthrough solutions to our most complex problems.

The Post-Pandemic City: a Provisional Profile
Specialists from different design and architecture faculties as the Politecnico di Milano and The University of Art and Design Linz will give a short presentation of their recent research on interventions and strategies for urban spaces in times of a pandemic followed by a discussion about provisional profiles for post-pandemic cities. Moderated by Anne Nigten.

Gallery Performances III
Jaskaran Anand, Vicky Michalopoulou, Razieh Kooshki & Vahid Qaderi, Afra Sönmez & Nursinem Aslan
In-between Privacy, Happy 365, Vivid Q, Onisma - Livestream.

Bring Your Own Art
Bring Your Own Art is the open stage for artists, students and researchers, who want to present their current works in 5-10 minutes, after the ‘first come, first present’ principle - Livestream.

State of Online Communities
Carla Zamora, Indiara Di Benedetto, Tiia Suorsa, Iosune Sasarate, Smirna Kulenović, Vicky Michalopoulou, Artemis Gryllaki, Rita Graça
COCO-lands, Happy 365, Syster Papyri Magicae, Networks of Care - Livestream.

Gallery Performances II
Jaskaran Anand, Alejandro Quiñones Roa, Octavian Albu
In-between Privacy, Cascada, Reconnect

Portrait of a Generative Memory
Indiara Di Benedetto (IT)
In this demonstrative performance the artist is demonstrating the project "Portrait of a Generative Memory", that focuses on the subjective interpretation of personal memories about a human face.

State of Online Culture
Tiia Suorsa, Balínt Budai, Mario Romera, Pedro Sá Couto, Giulio Interlandi
Under the Rock, #beatthefuckathome, Proof of Consensus, Tactical Watermarks, Designing Interaction for Enactive Storytelling Experiences - Livestream.

Intimacy, Embodiment & Technology
Jaskaran Anand, Indiara di Benedetto, Nomi Sasaki, Octavian Albu, Gabriele Ragusa
In-between Privacy, Track-track: Let’s Follow the cat!, Reconnect, Untitled at the Strafsachengallery - Livestream.