Ars Electronica Garden

Jason Zhao, et al.
[Dis]possess highlights the contradictory forces of capital and progressive politics within the artworld, simulating a coworking space in downtown Chicago that sells twenty-first century indulgences for the price of a cup of coffee.

Brett Balogh; William Harper; James Hartunian; Kristin McWharter; Patrick O’Shea; Jung Ho Park; Zhong Ren
[Dis]location investigates and extends specific sites in Chicago and beyond to foreground our shared connections to public spaces in both the built and natural environments.

Emergence & Convergence: Art as prophetic and responsive
Katherine Melançon, George Fok, Moritz Wehrmann, Cheryl Sim
In this live conversation, Cheryl Sim, managing director and curator at the PHI Foundation for Contemporary Art, and artists from the exhibition Emergence & Convergence will discuss their work, which meets at the intersection of the self, digital technology, the built environment and the natural world.

Lola Blake; Jiwon Ham; Addison Tyler Leon; Ethan Proia; Meimei Song; Yimin Zheng
[Dis]place questions the reciprocal relationship between the self and its surroundings in an attempt to expand fixed notions of subject, host, and home.

Re-FREAM round #1 presentations: Ganit Goldstein
Ganit Goldstein (IL), hosted by Re-FREAM (INT)
Join this session to hear more about Ganit Goldstein’s Re-FREAM project WeAReAble.

Guided tour through the art+science 2020 exhibition in Belgrade
Dobrivoje Lale Eric (RS), Petar Lausevic (RS), Bojan Kenig (RS), Maja Ciric (RS)
This program enables visitors to the Garden to see highlights of the art+science lab exhibition in Belgrade through a guided tour led by the curatorial team and artists. Visitors can gain special insight into the works of art on display, all by local artists and transdisciplinary teams. The aim of the exhibition is to map key themes and concepts through which we can start to critically approach AI.

Gloria Fan Duan; Blake Fall-Conroy; Anaïs Morales; Judd Morrissey, Mark Jeffrey, & Abraham Avnisan; Alan Perry; Chengan Xia; Kio Zhu
[Dis]content probes cultural objects and historical sites to examine the role of art and artifact in the construction of collective memory.

Re-FREAM round #1 presentations: Youyang Song
Youyang Song (CN), hosted by Re-FREAM (INT)
Join this session to hear more about Youyang Song’s Re-FREAM project Cooking New Materials.

Lee Blalock; Ashara Renfroe; Anna Christine Sands; Julia Tsai; Anne Wilson & Shawn Decker
[Dis]connect interrogates the struggle for connection despite the ubiquity of instant communication, underscoring the role these technologies play in redefining our relationships to others and to ourselves.

Re-FREAM round #1 presentations: Elisabeth Jayot
Elisabeth Jayot (FR), hosted by Re-FREAM (INT)
Join this session to hear more about Elisabeth Jayot (FR) and her Re-FREAM project Fragments Garments.

Eduardo Kac; Jakyung Lee; Bun Stout; Tongqi Wang; Ling Zeng
[Dis]orient explores real and imaginary spaces of isolation and introspection through experimental poetry and performance.

Re-FREAM round #1 presentations: Jef Montes
Jef Montes (NL), hosted by Re-FREAM (INT)
Join this session to hear more about Jef Montes (NL) and his Re-FREAM project Marinero.

Aleksandar Bulajić (RS), Ana Popović (RS), Isidora Pejović Blagojević (RS), Maja Maksimović (RS) and Sunčica Pasuljević Kandić (RS)
Walk through Belgrade with the authors of the pervasive game problematizing different aspects of AI. AI / VI is a pervasive game using a smartphone. A specially designed application with an AI function that acts as a guide through the game, occasionally uniting the player and AI into a symbiotic metaorganism. The game has no pre-set routes or endings; the path that opens is gradually shaped by the players. The mapped points of the game open spaces between different institutions in Belgrade and problematize the role of AI in private and public life. The goal of the game is to put the players in a position to re-examine the current human and algorithmic ways of decision-making and their consequences in the near future.

Sound works
Ailís Ní Ríain (IE), Carol Anne Connolly (IE), David Stalling (IE), Kennedy Browne (IE), Kevin Barry (IE), Magz Hall (UK), Robertina Šebjanič (SI)
Presentation of sound works by participating artists.

I sit and worry about her
Jasna Jovicevic (RS)
I sit and worry about her is a musical improvisation experiment exploring the endless worry of mothers for their daughters through the mapping and sonification of brain waves.

Fashion. Technology. Responsibility.
On Sept 9th 2020, STARTS Lighthouse pilot Re-FREAM kicks off this session with a keynote questioning our attitude to the clothes we wear and how we can rethink the systems and conditions of their production. The keynote is followed by three artist teams presenting the outcomes and prototypes realised within their residencies in the context of Re-FREAM.

Remote sensing: research and collaboration
David Stalling (DE/IE), Prof Sergei Lebedev (RU/IE)
Sound artist David Stalling and Prof. Sergei Lebedev discuss David’s work and his time on board the RV Celtic Explorer during the SEA-SEIS research survey in 2018. Led by Prof. Lebedev, DIAS scientists have been collecting first of a kind seismic data across a vast area of the North Atlantic. Since 2018, David has worked closely with Sergei and his team on the development of his sonic composition which translates sampled data from deep sea monitors deployed on the research survey.

Remote sensing: mythologies and sciences
DR Chris McGonigle (IE) Robertina Šebjanič (SI), Louise Manifold (IE)
Dr. Chris McGonigle, artist Robertina Šebjanič and artist / curator Louise Manifold discuss the importance of the age-old relationship between people and the sea, and how sonic folklore plays a fundamental role in shaping our connection to ocean space.

Remote sensing: Deep Sea Observations and the limits of life
Professor Andrew Wheeler (IE), DR Aaron Lim (IE), Ailís Ní Ríain (IE/UK)
Professor Andrew Wheeler, Dr. Aaron Lim and composer Ailís Ní Ríain discuss their experiences of deep sea observation using Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) to film deep sea habitats and its impact on both creative and science practices.

Artist talk – Kristina Tica
Kristina Tica (RS)
The winner of the Serbian national art+science AI Lab selection for 2020, Kristina Tica, talks about her project Digital Prayer. The project is using a computer vision method for image generation to create a visual output that represents Orthodox icons.